Hi Everybody - New here and to MA

Jade Tigress

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to martial arts and just found this great board a few days ago. I've been lurking and reading all the fantastic information available here.

Here is a little about myself:
I am a very physically fit woman who just turned 40 recently. I signed my 10 year old son up for Sil Lum Kung Fu classes late last summer. I was interested in it myself as well but only signed him up at the time. But watching him in class and seeing how he was learning made me jealous so I joined too!

I've been attending classes for 2 1/2 months now. I love it and am serious about long term dedication to learning the art. The amount to be learned is overwhelming though! The class I'm in is made up of varying ranks so it is encouraging to see how the others have learned so far. Especially since they're all younger than me so I think if they can do it I can!

Well, I guess that's about all for now. I look forward to supplementing my learning journey in MA with the knowledge of all the experienced on this board. I hope as I become more experienced that I will be of some help to you too.

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