Hey Where Can I Find This Guy??


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Or mebbe I can try it myself... at least I'll be able to practice on how to dodge a hellva lot of different punching styles... heh.. :D
Also I can probably save up for that new car I've been wanting... like that Speed Racer car...:uhyeah:

from News of the Weird:
Electrical contractor Akira Hareruya, 36, whose
company went bankrupt, had taken to working the
streets of Tokyo in 1999, trying to earn back the
money by inviting passersby to put on boxing gloves
and take swings at him for the equivalent of about
US$9 a minute. He promised not to hit back, but only
to try to evade the punches, and suggested that his
customers further relieve their stress by yelling at
him as they swing. He told the Los Angeles Times that
he averaged the equivalent of about US$200 a night.
[Los Angeles Times, 9-15-99]