Hey all!

Hey everyone! Nice site you got here :D I see you're experienced people in karate, so I have a question that you will probably know: What are the requirements to become a Blue and Blue Green Belt at USSD? I have A test next monday, and I'm gonna either be a blue or blue green. Can someone help please?

Well, I'll give you he story. I started karate around 5 and ended around 8-9. I stopped at a Blue-Green belt (And I just started again a month ago), and now I'm testing to decide which one I should get between a white and a blue-green belt. My sensei says he have me a book with all the stuff we have to know, but it's nowhere to be found. Now I'm asking here because more experienced people lurk around and they probably know this stuff. If anyone has a website that could help me, that would be great!

I've only learned Pinan 1-2, Kata 1, I learned the DMs, but no one ever taught me Pinan 3 or Kata 2. They said I already knew everything to get a blue belt.

What do you mean you don't study with USSD? These are your quotes, are they not? Is someone lying here?
I don't do shaolin kempo, I do American Kempo...Also, is there a place online where I can find out how to do the DMs?

Is your instructor a break-off from USSD, still teaches the same material but calls it by the generic name "American Kempo"?

None of this answers the question of why you can't ask your instructor to show you the material again and test at a later date.

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