Here is some REAL racism

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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Nacogdoches, Tx
The Dept Of Justice is REQUIRING Dayton to lower it's testing standards for the police dept cuz not enough blacks are passing the test.

"It's a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam. "

get that? THATS racism.

And this is the same US Dept of Justice headed by Eric Holder, (who refused to go after the Black Panther Party for voter intimidation)...who it has been learned, told his dept that they would not ever go after voter intimidation cases if the victims were white,
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So an "F" and a "D" are good enough to get hired! For crying out loud!

I don't care what 'colour' a copper is. I do care if he's got enough upstairs to do the darned job.

I am, unsurprisingly given my views on declining educational standards, dismayed but hardly surprised that the answer to students not being up to the grade is to lower the grade.

I think I'll try that approach at work next time my competency certification is up for renewal. Something along the lines of not being expected to actually make the grade to pass as I'm from a disadvantaged background (i.e. dirt poor working class). I wonder how far I'll get?

Oh and by the way, for the relevant exams I have to take to be allowed to do work on site, we are required to obtain 90% in all areas.
It's a tough problem. Departments want to try and have a racial balance to reflect their community, but what do you do when you CAN'T balance it?

I don't like different standards for different people PERIOD. I remember when going through the academy, the physical standards test for females was VERY different than for males. If we both have to do the same job, shouldn't we both have to be able to perform at the same basic level?

Same goes for this. If I have to perform at a certain level mentally, then I think that ALL people should have to perform it at that level as well. Otherwise, why have standards in the first place?
This happens all the time. Happened in New Haven, CT, with the FD. Likewise, skin color should NOT play a factor. What should be playing a huge factor, is the ability, both physically and mentally, of doing the damn job! If you're white and you can't pass, then so be it. Bust your *** harder next time, and maybe you'll pass. If you're black, Hispanic, etc., and you dont score high enough, then so be it. Bust your *** harder next time, accept the fact that you didn't pass, and move on.

Lowering the standards....I call BS on that!

IMO, this is no different than having different standards for age group and sex. The same 5'3 female who only has to do 20 pushups on the agility, vs the 6'5 male, who's gotta do 40, is still going to have to physically fight with the same 6'3, high on drugs guy, who just robbed a bank.
Don't remember the town, the promotions were halted because not enough blacks past the exams....

I mean, can't they institute tutors then instead of crippling the departments if they just have to have the statistics balanced...
Don't remember the town, the promotions were halted because not enough blacks past the exams....

I mean, can't they institute tutors then instead of crippling the departments if they just have to have the statistics balanced...

this was fairly recently.. I think it was a fire department though, and the only people who passed were white so they threw out the test completely and wre trying to come up with another way to work promotions. If I remember correctly didn't the white guys start a lawsuit?? I wonder what ever happened with that
Also on the Obama is Black? thread there was a post from Atacx gym where he linked a story in Seattle where they are talking about requiring a college degree for police officers and the possible decision is being railed against because people consider it racist.
Don't remember the town, the promotions were halted because not enough blacks past the exams....

I mean, can't they institute tutors then instead of crippling the departments if they just have to have the statistics balanced...

this was fairly recently.. I think it was a fire department though, and the only people who passed were white so they threw out the test completely and wre trying to come up with another way to work promotions. If I remember correctly didn't the white guys start a lawsuit?? I wonder what ever happened with that

It may've been this thread of mine.
requiring a college degree is racist now?

well kiss my ****ing ***, apparently every school is racist, teachers have to be degreed, the military is racist, you have to have a degree to be an officer, colleges are racist, you have to be degreed to get into the graduate degree programs....


it could just be that stupid people dont get to do everythign they might want to BECAUSE THEY ARE STUPID

I wanted to be a SEAL, but i wasnt in good enough shape, did i cry about it?

this was fairly recently.. I think it was a fire department though, and the only people who passed were white so they threw out the test completely and wre trying to come up with another way to work promotions. If I remember correctly didn't the white guys start a lawsuit?? I wonder what ever happened with that

It might have been. A couple of hispanic guys passed, too, go figure.

I don't agree with lowering the standard just to please a segment of the population. If you want the job bad enough you make it happen.

That includes basic physical requirements for the armed forces, heck, same really for police or firefighters. I am boarderline feminist and emancipated, but good grief, even I realize not everybody can do everything equally well. If Mother Nature short changed you on the hight, that something no human can fix for ya...
requiring a college degree is racist now?

well kiss my ****ing ***, apparently every school is racist, teachers have to be degreed, the military is racist, you have to have a degree to be an officer, colleges are racist, you have to be degreed to get into the graduate degree programs....


it could just be that stupid people dont get to do everythign they might want to BECAUSE THEY ARE STUPID

I wanted to be a SEAL, but i wasnt in good enough shape, did i cry about it?


QFT!!! What it boils down to, is people dont want to take responsibility for their own actions or lack thereof. Instead of admitting that they're out of shape, dumb, didn't study, etc, they try to take the easy way out and sue, and of course cry discrimination.
Lowering meaningful standards for skin color variations is dumb. Very, very dumb. From the article, even the NAACP agrees.

“The NAACP does not support individuals failing a test and then having the opportunity to be gainfully employed,” agreed Dayton NAACP President Derrick Foward.

Educational requirements can be tricky; there's a reason that most non-academic positions will include the phrase 'or x years experience' or similar to. A relevant academic or trade degree can be vital to the position. An irrelevant degree can functionally serve as a filter against those that come from poverty stricken backgrounds and whose parents are undereducated. Unfortunately, in the US, this pretty well describes a lot of black communities. So if you're requiring the degree as one form of proof of knowledge or skill, that's one thing, a good thing.- If you're requiring that degree to keep the 'undesirables' out, that's another.

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