Help with selection


Orange Belt
I have recently received my credentials through the NRA as a pistol instructor. I would like to start working with a few people who have asked me about things like Personal Protection Inside the Home etc. but after a trip to the range with a coworker, and the realization that some people just cant shoot well, I decided I need to help them more with basics.

As some of you are aware First Steps and Basic Pistol require a familiarization with the three basic kinds of handgun. Semi-auto, single action revolver, and double action revolver.

I have the first two covered with a Glock 22, and a Ruger Super Blackhawk in .357/9mm.

I am looking for a DA revolver that I can shoot a lot for teaching purposes, but wont break me, as I have no money whatsoever to spend.

Any recommendations?

congrats on getting your cert.

I've got a Ruger Security-Six that I can't say enough about. I've had it for about 10 years (probably put 10k rounds through it) and it was about 15 years old when I bought it...Excellent weapon

They can be found for anywhere from $250-400. Here's the first page of results from GunBroker (good place to look for others as well).

You might also just hit the various gun stores in your area and look for a used S&W.

I guess you could also look at Taurus but I'm not a huge fan of their stuff. I just don't feel that their quality is as high as S&W or Ruger.
I have to agree. Ruger makes about the finest revolver out there.
Years ago I had a stainless GP100 with a six inch barrel and a scope mount with a red dot system on it. I am kicking myself to this day for selling it.

I did see a Security Six a few months back, but someone snatched it up the day I called on it. Gun show is coming up. I will check it out.
I agree with the choice of the Ruger. I'd get a used one though or get one soon because Ruger seems to be going into some kind of downward spiral towards being a Walmart brand name or something. First they stopped making the Old Army and now they've replaced the trigger assembly in their 10/22 with plastic.
One of the the BEST firearms for home protection is the Remington 870..Just point in the general direction and shoot..As I've said before, NOTHING will scare the bejeezas out of a robbber than the "Cha-Chung" sound of a round being jacked into the chamber coming from a dark room...
First:Thanks Drac--I tend to agree when it comes to defense a shotgun is second to none when it can be deployed. Size sometimes makes using a shotgun a challenge, but defense isn't what I was asking for :) I need a DA revolver for teaching!!! :)

Second, regarding the Ruger, I believe that the expression I am looking for is WTF!?!?!
I agree with the choice of the Ruger. I'd get a used one though or get one soon because Ruger seems to be going into some kind of downward spiral towards being a Walmart brand name or something. First they stopped making the Old Army and now they've replaced the trigger assembly in their 10/22 with plastic.

Seriously? That is really too bad!
You already have the defensive guns well-covered, so for instructional purposes, a .22 LR revolver, DA / SA, would be a great tool.

A Smith and Wesson Model 317, which is a revolver chambered in the .22 LR, is a fanatastic tool for the job. With a very light recoil, yet smooth trigger pull, it's easy for someone to learn on. That, plus 12 bucks gets you a brick of 500+ rounds of ammo, and you can shoot all day long.

If you don't want a .22, then a used S&W .38 Special revolver, K frame, should do just fine.

Something like the tried and true Model 10 is a great teaching tool. The trigger pulls on these are much smoother than other brands.

You may also be able to find a Taurus Model 82 for less.
If you are looking for a DA revolver, might I recommend something from Taurus. They are reasonably priced and they perform very well.
All good advice. If you go with a Taurus or Ruger you will get a quality gun at a reasonable price. It may not be target quality accuracy, but it should meet your needs.
Actually, the thought of a .22 never even crossed my mind. That is good stuff.

Thank you all for your help! Ill let you know what I do

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