Help required to find Video.


MT Mentor
Dec 17, 2008
Reaction score
About two months ago somewhere I saw a series of videos of Philippine military combatives for sale. I'm not sure if the link was posted on MT or the Black Belt Magazine site. Long story short, I can't find again.

The video trailer demonstrated unarmed defence against realistic knife attack and some really good footwork using a complex diamond pattern.

If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be most appreciated.
Yes, that was it and the link was on Brian VanCise's site. Thank you for the info. Perhaps I could ask, has anyone here seen those videos? Are they worth the big $s they are asking?
K-man, what are you looking for out of the videos? I skimmed the first of these DVDs, and while they are good, they are basically a crash course, a "combatives" version of PTK. Aside from showing how the rifle interactes with the base structure, you would get a more complete look at the fundamentals of PTK buying the footwork/bolo/knife DVDs that Tuhon Tim sells as a package.
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This is true what Blindside said you will get a deeper understanding from the footwork/bolo/knife dvd's. However, I still like this set, simple, direct, effective stuff and a crash course. Good stuff!
K-man, what are you looking for out of the videos? I skimmed the first of these DVDs, and while they are good, they are basically a crash course, a "combatives" version of PTK. Aside from showing how the rifle interactes with the base structure, you would get a more complete look at the fundamentals of PTK buying the footwork/bolo/knife DVDs that Tuhon Tim sells as a package.
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What I do constantly is look at different systems to see if there is anything I feel fits with my RB training. What I have seen in PTK is some interesting foot work that I feel fits comfortably in Krav training and some more realistic knife work. What I mean by that is that Krav has a really good multi use defence technique called "360 defence". It works well for simple attacks but I was hoping to find a better defence against the types of slashes and stabs you find in PTK. In Australia we don't have to worry too much about defence against firearms but unfortunately more and more young kids are starting to carry knives. As a result more and more of my training is about getting my guys familiar with facing knives.