Help me choose the right martial art for me.

Learning to do what the guy in the first video does (big dude knocked out all the clubs security) is not self defence, learning to do what this guy does is assault. Self defence is learning how to stop this guy doing this to you.

I do not see the problem however as being your inability to defeat a number of people, but instead in what you perceive (incorrectly imo) to be cowardice. “i hate cowardice and i want to be able to take down a group of 5 guys if i have to”. Taking the third video (1 guy takes out 7 gang members with a baseball bat) as one examlple; you want to be able to do this , i.e. take out a group of people, so that you are not seen as a coward. This however, to me, is a perfect example of exactly not what to do.

I can of course only comment on what is shown, and not speculate on what may or may not have happened prior to this. His car is attacked. The most obvious thing to do then is to drive away, arriving home safely, and get your car repaired at some point in the future. You would call this cowardice. I would call it sensible.

Instead he chose to drive to the end of the street, take the bat out of his car and then attack 7 people. Whilst this would certainly preclude anyone from calling him a coward, it is moronic to say the least. This course of action cannot possibly lead him any place he, or you, wants to go. He could get shot, stabbed, beaten to death. Alternatively he could “win”, which only leads him to one place; court. On numerous charges, the severity of which are dependent on his success with the bat. Even if you defeat these charges you still have the all the problems, financial, stress, work etc, associated with having to go through the judicial process.

The key lies in your own statement “and i want to be able to take down a group of 5 guys if i have to”. He chose to stop his car and assault people with a baseball bat, but did not have to. Of course this is only one scenario, but the overall message remains the same. You may see walking away from a fight that can be avoided as cowardice. I see taking a fight you could have walked away from as stupid (not to mention dangerous). And I will take cowardice over stupidity every day of the week.

I have to agree with you; wise man! I just realized the guy provoked the security calling him a pussy.

You see, in a live in a relative small town where there is a lot of stupidity and guys are coward. Even if 1 guy of the group does something obviously wrong and messes with another guy, the whole group will fuxx him up. I have witnessed this. It's difficult for me to witness such things and do nothing...

I will walk away from a big group. But i might find them 1by1 and face them. And i might not back off from 3 guys if there is a big reason; even knowing i'l get fucked up.

In the end of the day; you are right! There are a lot of things to consider from a fight.

Thanks bro!
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Why is that your answer for everyone?
Thats My answer to everyody because Kenpo Karate isa great Martial arts and very effectice on the street well they dont have to agree on what i say thats their opinion but im intitle to recommend something right this is a Martial art Talk and we talk a lot of Martial arts Topic right and im pretty sure you do the same thing so with that thing said what do you want me to say and i can say what ever i want when i want this is a Martial arts Talk and i can talk anyhting i like
Thats My answer to everyody because Kenpo Karate isa great Martial arts and very effectice on the street well they dont have to agree on what i say thats their opinion but im intitle to recommend something right this is a Martial art Talk and we talk a lot of Martial arts Topic right and im pretty sure you do the same thing so with that thing said what do you want me to say and i can say what ever i want when i want this is a Martial arts Talk and i can talk anyhting i like
I never said you couldn't say anything you want. But nothing is the right fit for everyone. No matter how much you like your art (and I'd hope you like it a lot - that's what keeps you training), that still doesn't make it a universal fit.
I am going to try MMA and shaolin kung fu if i can; when i move to another city; as i am planing to.
Otherwise will stick with krav maga and kick boxing. Mastering this two well is enough for self defense. Then i can use parkour and sprinting as well :D
Thats My answer to everyody because Kenpo Karate isa great Martial arts and very effectice on the street well they dont have to agree on what i say thats their opinion but im intitle to recommend something right this is a Martial art Talk and we talk a lot of Martial arts Topic right and im pretty sure you do the same thing so with that thing said what do you want me to say and i can say what ever i want when i want this is a Martial arts Talk and i can talk anyhting i like
I think what gpseymour is saying is that your saying to everyone that they should do kenpo simply because it's your style. And yes in my opinion kenpo is a great style but it's not for everyone just like any art. For example if someone said they want to do a weapon fighting art kenpo obviously won't be for them. When people ask this it's for genuine advice for them not just to promote your own style.
I think what gpseymour is saying is that your saying to everyone that they should do kenpo simply because it's your style. And yes in my opinion kenpo is a great style but it's not for everyone just like any art. For example if someone said they want to do a weapon fighting art kenpo obviously won't be for them. When people ask this it's for genuine advice for them not just to promote your own style.

well ya your right