Help if possible???


2nd Black Belt
Thanks for taking time to read this post.

Back in the mid-seventies, I lived in a little place called Finchingfield, England. In those days, unless you lived in London, there was a dearth of anything "Kung fu" in the hinterlands of the South.

I ordered five 8mm films from, then, Sifu Carl Totten. They were sets of the Shaolin Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Dragon, and Snake. I studied them (as well as anyone could study 8mm films, up close on a white screen) for a long time. Over the years I have lost the films, and would love to get them back.

I can't seem to find any contact information for Sifu Totten, otherwise I would contact him directly. Having said that, does anyone know where, or how I could re-acquire those films or a VHS or DVD version? If not that, then does anyone know how I could contact Sifu and see about availability of those old films?

Thanks so much to everyone... Nowadays, I'm just a Kenpo Wienie. :rofl:

Dan Farmer
Were you USAF then stationed at Wethersfield? It's the MOD police training school now, know it well, rains every time I'm there for days on end!
I have a friend who collects old martial arts videos so I will ask him if he can help, though the format might be a problem?
Were you USAF then stationed at Wethersfield? It's the MOD police training school now, know it well, rains every time I'm there for days on end!
I have a friend who collects old martial arts videos so I will ask him if he can help, though the format might be a problem?

Hi Tez...

Thanks very much for your efforts.

When I was there, there was a "skeleton", no aircraft, USAF Bomber support squadron there, lots of dependents, and then we got MOD fire department folks, and MOD Police. Bunch of great guys and gals. As you came off the main road, after passing through Finchingfield, you took a left turn to get up to the base. Interestingly, there was an old set of modular buildings and such on the left. It was the old hospital from better days. Was haunted too. Can tell you some interesting ghost stories about my time over there... And they're all true. :rofl: