Help for Sciatica please?


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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My other half is having an 'attack' of sciatica, started a few days ago and is far worse than usual. He can't walk, stand up or bend and the pain is very bad. The doctor has given him strong pain killers and he has an X ray next Tuesday. Can anyone suggest anthing that might actually help? The painkillers offer only minimal help. I was thinking perhaps acupuncture perhaps?
Hope your S.O. feels better soon! May want to try a chiropractor trained in the activator method. It is very gentle (can be used on an infant) and it has made a big difference for me. I've had sciatica since I was a teen (due to surgery I had as a child) and I wish I had I had found my chiropractor much earlier than I did.
Here is a link to a picture of the Sciatic nerve

Here is a link to a picture of the Liver channel

Here is a link to a picture of the Bladder channel

If you noticed from the way the nerve runs the course can be thru these channels. Consult both your doctor and a person who practices Chinese medicine in your area for a better diagnosis. Such things require history and exams.
Good luck.
Acupuncture could help.

I am not sure how close you are to London and to be honest I am not sure he is still there but there was a classmate of my wife's (from Beijing University of TCM) or he may have been a co-worker at Beijing Hospital (I am not sure) but he was practicing there.

Let me know if this will help and I will check with my wife to see if he is still there and still practicing.