Help for MT


Black Belt
May 24, 2002
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
OK, to find the links again Bob. I will next week get a subscription to the mag. Is there somewhere one can just donate money on a link. This may be known I just don't know it.

Also are the shirts still available. Does that help at all with the costs of the board?

I will try and get some traffic here then as well from my board.
Thank you :)

Right now, there's no 'donate' spot. I'm looking into a 'donor' system at the moment though.

I still have some shirts, currently 1 small, 13 large and 5 X-Large on hand. They are $10 and includes shipping to the US and Canada. You can see and order them here:
Note: The shipping cost listed for Canada on that order form is wrong. Shipping to Canada is free.

Every dollar helps.

Ways to help MT fund the future:

Buy a shirt :

Subscribe to MT Magazine :

Host your WebSite with us:

Sponsor a forum or advertise here:

Thank you!
Originally posted here:

Hello Everyone, has just past the 800 visit mark. There were actually a whole lot more visits to the site than that but I only am using the counter for the index page for reference.

Alot of the traffic has occurred because of the MartialTalk banner which as you know has appeared in the premium sponsor spot on the top upper right side.

Please consider this for your own websites and please also consider supporting MartialTalk financially for your advertising and web hosting needs.

Bob Hubbard (Kaith) s a very professional and hardworking web host!!!

As far as I know, MartialTalk is still running in the red and though it is the second highest forum in traffic, it still needs sponsors.

So if you have every sold anything, increased your school/club membership, or had any increased traffic to a seminars due to a free post on this forum, please consider becoming a paid sponsor.

Best regards,

Harold R. Evans
Piedmont Kung-fu Arnis Academy
NC FCS-Kali State Regional Representative

Proud Sponsor for and MartialTalk e-Magazine