HELP!! Fixing silver -- NOT RED -- eyes!


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I took some pictures of my son tonight during the visit to Santa using the camera on my phone. Decent, better quality camera than my first digital camera. But I've got a problem... His eyes came out silver, not red, due to the flash. Thought fixing it'd be easy, between the Windows picture editor or GIMP.

Yeah, right. Silly, silly me. Apparently the red eye filters don't recognize the silver as being "red eye." I've been messing around, and the results have been poor. Or worse.

So hopefully some of you folks that do this stuff more often can offer me some tips... I'm attaching an example (if all works well). View attachment $Phone import 12-03-2013 502.jpg
[Dr Evil]
I want kids. With frickin laser beams. Is that too much to ask?
[/Dr Evil]

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They are similar issues with different results. The silver eyes that you see is the reflected light from the flash overloading the input sensor. Try selectively darkening the eyes.

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Those look to be blown out highlights. Very hard to fix unless you have a very high quality raw file and experience with Photoshop.

I've had to resort to cloning in eyes from other shots in some cases.

Short version is that the flash was too intense in those spots and the only data captured was white. There's no detail in there to work with. I pulled that image into photoshop and no matter what I did, I got nothing in there. Sorry :(
Those look to be blown out highlights. Very hard to fix unless you have a very high quality raw file and experience with Photoshop.

I've had to resort to cloning in eyes from other shots in some cases.

Short version is that the flash was too intense in those spots and the only data captured was white. There's no detail in there to work with. I pulled that image into photoshop and no matter what I did, I got nothing in there. Sorry :(
Thanks to all. I'd tried for a bit in gimp too. Replacing them with black just looked creepy... May just have to love with a silver eyed child... Or ma try faking red eye by coloring them red then letting the red eye filter have at it...

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This is a tedious and time consuming fix but the only way I know to save the images. Find a similar head position in another shot and copy/paste the eyes to a new layer in the damaged image. Carefully erase the new eyes with a soft feathered type brush to blend them in, overlaying the damaged spots. You may have to burn(DARKEN) them or dodge them(lighten) to blend better.

painting them red then using the filter won't likely work because what you're missing is the detail in the eye.