HELP! Finding a Master in another country


White Belt
Dec 30, 2014
Reaction score
Hey guys, I just got outta college and have been in martial arts for quite a while. I'm looking to move outta country but I'm broke other than that... I was wondering if any masters still do Livewith Apprenticeships. Anyone know if these are still a thing in the Phillipines?
Hey guys, I just got outta college and have been in martial arts for quite a while. I'm looking to move outta country but I'm broke other than that... I was wondering if any masters still do Livewith Apprenticeships. Anyone know if these are still a thing in the Phillipines?

The Kyokushin organization the Phillipines has an uchi-deshi program, and I'd bet at least one Aikido school does...guess it depends on what you're looking for-I imagine the kali teachers still have something like this as well, though less formal....

(Hey, is it me, or is it like the moon is full or something?
Thank you so much man!!! I've been looking for something like this and really need help. If you don't mind I might write back to you after I do some research on these. Also is there anyway you would know how I would get a hold of these places?
I think you are going to find that most people liked to get paid for providing training services.
Yes the kyokushin karate Philippines organization does have one. Sensei Steven Foo is a personal friend. I can set you up with him just give me a pm. And happy new year!
I think you are going to find that most people liked to get paid for providing training services.

I suppose that depends on how much work the "apprentice" is doing. I could see a school owner letting someone stay in their spare bedroom in exchange for cleaning the school every day and handling some of the office work etc. I think it would have to be someone they trusted, though, not a stranger from another country.
Thank you so much man!!! I've been looking for something like this and really need help. If you don't mind I might write back to you after I do some research on these. Also is there anyway you would know how I would get a hold of these places?

If you have a face book page/account sensei steven foo is there you can directly contact him regarding their uchi deshi program here in the Philippines. Hope that helps.