Helmsley's Dog Gets $12 Million in Will


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Helmsley's Dog Gets $12 Million in Will
Wednesday August 29, 6:12 am ET

NEW YORK (AP) -- Leona Helmsley's dog will continue to live an opulent life, and then be buried alongside her in a mausoleum. But two of Helmsley's grandchildren got nothing from the late luxury hotelier and real estate billionaire's estate.
Helmsley left her beloved white Maltese, named Trouble, a $12 million trust fund, according to her will, which was made public Tuesday in surrogate court.
She also left millions for her brother, Alvin Rosenthal, who was named to care for Trouble in her absence, as well as two of four grandchildren from her late son Jay Panzirer -- so long as they visit their father's grave site once each calendar year.
Otherwise, she wrote, neither will get a penny of the $5 million she left for each.
Helmsley left nothing to two of Jay Panzirer's other children -- Craig and Meegan Panzirer -- for "reasons that are known to them," she wrote.
Helmsley died earlier this month at her Connecticut home. She became known as a symbol of 1980s greed and earned the nickname "the Queen of Mean" after her 1988 indictment and subsequent conviction for tax evasion. One employee had quoted her as snarling, "Only the little people pay taxes."
Okay, now I can understand how one person can be in love with their pet so much that they'd want the animal to be cared for WELL should that person pass on. But I think it's a bit much to leave 12 million bucks to a dog that can be cared for WELL on just a few hundred thousand dollars.
She did it out of spite to her two grand children "for reasons that are known to them" and to me that's just plain mean.
Helmsley (to me) obviously don't understand the whole concept of forgiveness. Unless the two grandchildren tried to outright kill her or swindle her out of her entire fortune or something horrible like that... SIGH.
I can see an ugly court battle to contest the will and can see nothing coming out of it because a will is the final statement if written by sound mind.
Ridiculous is the only word that comes to my mind on this. Ok, ridiculous and sad.
Thoughts? Comments?
Is your dog/cat worth your fortune? Is it worth a large percentage of your personal fortune (however much that may be)? I don't think so. A dog is a dog is a dog, they'd be happy wallowing in a mud puddle as much as being pampered with bubble baths or however the eccentric tend to treat 'em. I've had pets and loved them but not so much that I'd spite my family in favor of them. I mean jeez lady! Living up to the "Queen Of Mean" right to the end!
God have mercy on your soul.
I love my german shepherd (avatar) and I dearly miss my other GS who died two years ago, but I would not leave a large sum of money to pets. I would want them taken care of though. If I had no relatives, the money could be donated to worthy insitutions. Twelve million dollars is a mind-boggling amount of money and could help so many. The "Queen of Mean" was horrible right to the end.
This deceased putz only proves that money cannot buy class or humanity, and that some individuals can be even greater schmucks in death than they were in life. In her case, this latter is a remarkable achievement!

$12 million for a **** dog??? Fine, she hated her family (too much like her?)...... but are there not more than a few causes where that money maight have made a real difference?

I hope the bill for air conditioning bill in the afterlife where she is comes to $13 million....
This deceased putz only proves that money cannot buy class or humanity, and that some individuals can be even greater schmucks in death than they were in life. In her case, this latter is a remarkable achievement!

$12 million for a **** dog??? Fine, she hated her family (too much like her?)...... but are there not more than a few causes where that money maight have made a real difference?

I hope the bill for air conditioning bill in the afterlife where she is comes to $13 million....
It wouldn't matter... not to her anyway... she's dead... or haven't you heard the phrase... "you can't take it with you." Seems to me she had an grasp on the concept which is why she's being so stupid in death as she was mean in life. According to my beliefs... she's got some sp'laining to do when she gets to St. Peter at the Gate.

Hee hee, he'll probably tell her the entry fee is 12 million and 1 dollars... :D

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