

Orange Belt
Dear board members,

I was asked by Mr. VanCise to come here and introduce myself.

My name is Richard Ray, I live in Cleveland, Ohio USA. I will soon be 40 years old:( I am married with three wonderful daughters 14, 10 and 7. I have three dogs, an akita/chow mix, toy fox terrier and a Chihuahua. I also have three fish and a cat! LOL! As you might imagine, my home is a blur of activity at all times...

I own and operate the Genbukan Makoto Dojo in Lakewood, Ohio USA, which is a full time (7 days per week) Dojo. I believe I am currently one of only three full time Genbukan Dojo in the United States. In addition I also work for the city of Cleveland. Over the years I have supported myself in various ways, including being a correction officer at the county jail, being a bouncer for many years and even providing personal security for various celebrities and rock bands.

I own my own home in an historic district of Cleveland and enjoy being involved in the community in various ways.

My martial arts training began when I was 5 years old, under my uncle in Kenpo Karate. He was a Viet nam vet and learned his art "over seas" as he used to say. Apparently from another soldier friend of his. I am not sure how much he really knew, but over the years I did recognize some of the names and moves.

As the years progressed, I studied various styles of kung fu, then had a brief stint in Tae Kwon Do and then Kajukenpo. At age 10 I was introduced to the fighting style of Bruce lee and that started a life long involvement in jeet kune Do in its various "forms" At age 14 I began the path of Ninpo/Ninjutsu with the Shadows of Iga branch of the Bujinkan.

In the early 1990's I went fully into the mainstream Bujinkan and trained with a variety of instructors and attended various tai kai etc. I have since joined the genbukan Dojo and train primarily with Kyoshi Michael Coleman and also with grand master Shoto Tanemura. I train with Coleman Kyoshi at least 3-4 times per year in intense three day blocks of many hours training. And I train with Tanemura Sensei at least twice per year in Japan and the USA.

Over the years I have learned and continue to learn various martial arts. I have trained and or received rank in the following arts:

  • Kenpo
  • Kajukenpo
  • Shaolin
  • Hung gar
  • Tae kwon Do
  • Shadows of Iga kasumi-An ninjutsu
  • Bujinkan Ninpo/Budo Taijutsu
  • Genbukan Ninpo Bugei
  • K.J.J.R. Ju-Jutsu
  • Koryu Karate
  • Genbukan biken jutsu
  • Kukishin Ryu Bojutsu
  • Goshin Jutsu
  • Pa kua
  • Chin na
  • Chi Gung
  • Tai Chi
  • Choy Li Fut
  • Jeet kune Do
  • Kali Escrima Arnis
  • Silat
  • Muay Thai
  • Grappling arts (various catchascatchcan, Shooto BJJ since 1991 etc...)
  • Boxing
  • MMA
In addition I have over the years amassed a huge video library on just about every martial art out there and have a large book library as well. I will always be a life long student of martial arts.

At the age of 10 I became involved with physical culture, I started to lift weights which lead to a life long love affair with all things weight training, from body building very early on, to many years of power lifting.

My current fascination into physical culture for the past few years has been kettle bells, body weight exercises etc/. I really enjoy all things pavel, I also enjoy Scott Sonnon a great deal and use many of these various practices in my life. My interest in physical culture has lead to much research into anatomy, diet and nutrition and general health.

My interest in martial arts also lead to a life long pursuit into the worlds spiritual traditions. I have researched all of the worlds major spiritual traditions and have allot of training in Zen, Tibetan Buddhism, tendai, Kabbalah and Christianity. I even studied in depth Scientology!

Currently I am studying the Amatsu tatara tradition in the Genbukan organization, So that is making more and more impact on my personal spiritual system.

Finally, I am also a musician. I began playing guitar and drums at age 4, I have played in various bands in Cleveland over the years and still enjoy making music. I am very proficient on guitar and drums and bass, but can also get away with other instruments as well like Banjo, Violin, keyboards etc.

So there ya go. More about me than anyone would ever want to know LOL!

Consider me "introduced" I look forward to many wonderful conversations here.

Greetings and Welcome to MT...Next time I'm on patrol in the West zone I'd like to stop by and see your school if it's ok with you...
Welcome to Martial Talk! We won't hold the fact that you know Brian against you!

I'm often over in that area visiting my parents. I'd love to stop by and check out your dojo sometime.

Thank you very much.

Everyone is welcome to visit, just call first so that we don't miss each other.

Dojo number: 216-501-1667

Welcome, and happy posting! :wavey:

I look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to Martial Talk and if you are a friend of Brian remember he is a Dark Lord here on MT so please do not make him use the force.
Welcome to MT, Richard, it's a pleasure to have you with us, and always good to have someone with your diverse and interesting background in MA (among other things)!

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