
Thanks, Sensei....
I guess we forgot to tell you that the Judo guy is accident prone.
so..... When do we get to learn about the joys of makiwara practice?
hong kong fooey said:
welcome to martialtalk i hope you enjoy yourself if you have any questions just ask

Thanks... If I have any Qs, then I'll let you know....
Lovely, avatar you have.
Nemesis said:
Willkommen Eismann31. I am also a new member. I grew up praticing karate and later on i did a bit of kickboxing and jogo do pau.

Vielen dank, Nemesis. What is jogo do pau?!?
thescottishdude said:
hi, you'll like it here.

are you currently in iraq? If you don't mind me asking are you iraqi or a foreigner stationed there?

I'm in Iraq. I'm a foreigner to Iraq. I'm from the United States. Are you Scottish or do you only have Scottish ancestors?!?! Either way.... Which clan(s)?!?!
Jade Tigress said:
Welcome to Martial Talk ~ Happy Posting! :)

How's the Windy City?!?!
I was born in Oak Park....
My grandparents lived within the city limits near the intersection of
Harlem and Archer Ave....
eismann31 said:
I'm a newbie to this forum. I'll go by Eismann31 in this thing. Eismann is a nickname I acquired in high school. It means iceman or ice cream man in German. Also, I'm 31 years old.... Anyways.... I study Nahate Goju-Ryu Karate-Do with Sensei Wiley in Iraq. I earned my yellow belt last week. I studied Tae Kwon Do briefly in South Korea with Master Kim. Which Kim?!? Yes, Kim.... Master Kim.... Yes.... I've also studied a little Judo, but Sensei Wiley broke that instructor. You can ask him about the story. As I have time, I hope to contribute positively to this forum.

Jogo do pau is a portuguese style of stickfigting. We normally use a stick about 5 feet long a smaller one is also used for selfdefense. It´s very quick and very effective! There are videos of it in the Western martial arts forum, you can go check it out if you want to.
Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay!:ultracool


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