


Hmm, quiet forum :eek:

Grappling sucks, no one can take me down, I'd just kick them in the head.

Just kidding :p I've been known to roll around now and then :D

- Kyle
Hey Kyle -

Nice to have you around. I've been trying to entice some additional competitors for Joslin's tourney. A LOT of my modern arnis compadres about!
Gou -

Am I right in assuming that you are the reigning CAPS champion of North America?

Kyle is my BJJ teacher, you two should meet! Kyle carries an everfull bag of WHOOP AZZ, which I wear proudly.

If GouRonin is who I think he thinks he is, he is an extremely accomplished martial artist, and great guy to party with. Just don't think you'll get any sleep on the road, as long as there's beer in your fridge.
I'm not sure if I am the guy you think I am. No one has ever used the word "Accomplished" in the same sentence as when they are talking about me.

I iz innocent!!!

Well maybe the beer part might be true...

Where would we know each other from?
Hartman teaches me new and different methods of causing injury with pointy objects.


If I do have the wrong guy, then I would still like to meet you! Most of the Londoners I've met are good folk, and I've enjoyed your posts here.
That guy is forever slapping me around like a red-headed-step-child!

If you're a friend of the Renegade :erg: then you're ok by me. The guy I think you're thinking of is Jay Arnold. An awesome martial artist. He's around here somewhere. He's my instructor.
I was sure you were Jason. Is he teaching you how to play caps? I've seen him destroy martial artists armed with only a case of Canadian.
Nope. He's my instructor. He's good isn't he? Heh heh heh...however...while I may not be even close to his skill level I can out drink him, and you can quote me on that. Hell, go to his page and tell him I said so. I may get a beating but he still can't deny it.


Heh heh heh...
Originally posted by Icepick
Hey Kyle -

Nice to have you around. I've been trying to entice some additional competitors for Joslin's tourney. A LOT of my modern arnis compadres about!

Thanks, I found this board after someone from here checked out my website from the link you posted in another thread.

The more the merrier for the tourney!

- Kyle
Hi guys, I'm new to this site. Are you "Londoners" the ones associated with Larry Hartsell by any chance?
Jay is a student of Paul Irish who is a student of Larry Hartsell. Are we who you think we are?
Yes, that would be you. I know that "jkd family" in toronto hosts Larry from time to time. How about you guys? You probably just go up to the same seminars. Anyway, I trained with Larry years ago, passed his then "level one" test and then never had an opportunity to continue. Hope to see him soon. Like to meet you guys sometime.
best regards
I have exactly one class with Paul Irish under my belt. I never trained with Larry Hartsell. Just boxed in the kitchen with him as he showed me stuff.

My instructor used his material all the time in teaching though and I also act as a training person for one of my instructor's other students who is into the JKD.

Don't want misrepresent myself.

Did you meet a guy from london ontario at the tournament in Hamilton this weekend named "Feta?"
If anyone knows info on this guy can they fill me in? He does a combo of Judo but mostly BJJ. Thanx in advance.
Sorry Gou, I didn't meet anyone by that [nick]name. Great tournament, BTW.

- Kyle
I thought so too. But I wouldn't mess with this cheese unless I had too.

S'funny, he knew about Saunders BJJ.

It was a pretty good turnout there, I'm sure there were at least 200 adult competitors, plus the spectators. As for someone having heard of Kyle, well, that's because he kicks A$$. He finished 3rd in the advanced light heavies, and lost to Mark Bocek, who won the division and has a pretty good rep in the grappling community.

As for myself, I lost the battle of the bulge and had to fight in the "beginner mastodon" division. Won my first fight, but lost to a VERY strong musclehead in the 2nd round. Should have backed off of the pizza a few weeks ago.

Originally posted by Icepick

As for myself, I lost the battle of the bulge and had to fight in the "beginner mastodon" division. Won my first fight, but lost to a VERY strong musclehead in the 2nd round. Should have backed off of the pizza a few weeks ago.


Mastodon! :rofl:

Kevin won his first match with a sweet collar-choke from the guard. In his second match, he put up a good fight.

I was in the middle-weight, not light-heavy division. I prefer to avoid weight divisions with the word "heavy" in them.

- Kyle