Hello! I'm new...


White Belt
Feb 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hello everybody,
nice to meet you guys. I'm italian and i practise Kyokushin karate, but i have also a long background in shotokan style.
I'm sorry for my english, i'm tryng to "fix" it. :)
I hope to exchange with you constructive opinions and advices regarding martial arts.
See you soon
Welcome Marco, thank you for finding us. Do hope you enjoy yourself here.
Welcome to MT! Your English is very good!
Greetings and Welcome to MT..What part of Italy do you call home??
I live on the adriatic coast, near Ancona.

Welcome Mark. I have been to Italy before. I went to Rome & Vinice then went to the island of Capri. I really liked Italy. When in Rome I went through the Vatican. I took many tours while there. I saw St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, the Colosium, etc....

My parents just got back from Tuscany where they rented a chateau in a small country village.
Welcome Mark. I have been to Italy before. I went to Rome & Vinice then went to the island of Capri. I really liked Italy. When in Rome I went through the Vatican. I took many tours while there. I saw St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, the Colosium, etc....

My parents just got back from Tuscany where they rented a chateau in a small country village.

We have very nice place here... I like my country. :)