Hello, starting to do matial arts again, thought asking some questions could help :)


White Belt
Hello, I'm 23 years old and after a five year break because of a slip disc I feel ready to take on martial arts again.

before i practices Shotokan Karate Do and made it to 2nd Kyu, then life happened and i had to stop.

I'm looking forward to getting to ask experienced martial artists for advice and to talk about intricacies of certain techniques.

I know that not everyone here comes from a background where they would say this but: Ossu!
Welcome to MT. Happy to hear you have return to studying the arts, and I wish you well in your learning.
Welcome to Martial Talk. Enjoy the site it has much to offer.
I never saw this thread, it was before my time here. But there isn't anything even close to a wrong answer. It would be a win win either way.

All choices in life should be so wonderful.

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