Hello from Flagstaff, AZ

I believe I may have met you when you came down to Phx to speak to KJN a few weeks ago. You startled me when you peeked into the dojang and waved. LOL

Are you planning on coming down to the Valley to train with KJN? You seemed like a very nice person. I look forward to training with you.
WanHwa - Yes, I am hoping to return to KJN on Fridays and possibly Saturdays only. I drive down every weekend to be with my wife and kids so any other days just don't work out. During the week (in Flag) I've attended a few TKD and Hopkido classes in Flag. The two styles combined remind me alot of HRD. I'm also really excited about getting back to grappling too. PM me to discuss more. Cheers! ~G