Hello from Carlisle, England

How old were you when you started TKD?

Actually, I have something to add here...

Before I started TKD I had a bit of a hip issue - walking anything over about a mile caused my left hip to start 'clonking' loudly. Not really any pain, some, but loud enough for anyone walking next to me to hear. Every single step. It got tedious.

It doesn't do that any more.

Also, my ankles - they still click now, quite a lot, but there's no longer anywhere near as much aching.

And so the knees. They weren't perfect before, and I do still get a little twinge now and then (and I went through a period of feeling the need for a compression brace, both sides, off and on), but I'd honestly say they've been trending toward better.

Being sensible with keeping my alignment correct while building strength has, I feel, helped immensely.
Yep, I'm a stubborn old git, lol.

You don’t have to stop or quit or take time off (unless needed of course), just identify your personal pace and listen to your body. Remember the reasons you joined vs a regular gym and enjoy it. jmho Stiff upper lip and all that.
Hi all, from the wet and windy north of England.
I'm going to be feeling my way a little tentatively here for a while I think.

Some background and details:

I'm 52, and have a couple of disabilities collected by throwing myself off of motorcycles over the years! These disabilities are largely why I've joined this forum, to see if anyone out there can give me some quite specific advice to help me develop something in martial arts practice.
As a youngster, I tried Karate and Judo, but found I didn't click with them. Then I stumbled on a local Lau Gar club run by one Neville Wray. I loved it, but due to leaving school and joining the Royal Air Force, I didn't stick with it for long, although I had another brief flirtation with another Lau Gar club; then got posted to Germany, so couldn't attend that one anymore either.
And that was my last involvement with the martial arts, something like 30 years ago now, because then I had a very severe motorcycle accident, which left me with, among other injuries, a smashed left shoulder and arm.
I still ride motorcycles (when I can afford to!), but just thought "what's the point?" when it came to martial arts. I think my view on that has changed now though.

To cut a long story short, I have recently found myself in dire need of getting fit again (which is actually going pretty well, although I'm still in the very early stages of that), and while putting together a workout to get started with, I found myself using my memories of training with the aforementioned Neville as a kind of guide to a training philosophy. Couldn't help introducing some stretching and even basic techniques that I could remember, so I started to wonder if it was worth me trying to get back into it, disabilities and all.

Well, I think that's long-winded enough as an intro, so I'll sign out for now. Hope to get into some discussion at a later time, and will definitely have lots of questions, and be looking for some inspiration.

Bye for now



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