Hello from Atlanta, GA area!


White Belt
Hello everyone!

I'm actually located in Roswell, GA but most of the time I just refer to it as Atlanta since it's just outside the city.

I've come across this forum a few times and finally just decided to join up. I hope to make some good contacts and friends, as well as learn and share information.

I'm open to good martial art conversation as long as it's not arguing 'whose style is the best.' I honestly believe there is not a supreme style over another. It's mostly about the individual fighter/practitioner. I have my primary art but always open to others' points of view.

So Hello and look forward to meet you!

Hello back from Atlanta. Well, Marietta actually... haha. Are you training somewhere in Atlanta currently?
Thanks everyone!


Glad to meet a fellow Atlantian. Most of the time when people ask where I live I just say Atlanta...beats trying to describe Roswell.

Yes, I do train in the area. I'm an instructor at Atlanta Ryukyu Kempo in Roswell. I'm about to start up another gig though: Atlanta Kyusho & Jujitsu. I'm moving into Atlanta (a 15 mile difference) and am planning on opening a school in Midtown area. That's the plan anyways so I'm writing up the details now.

Do you train in Marietta? Any other Georgians on here?
Thanks everyone!


Glad to meet a fellow Atlantian. Most of the time when people ask where I live I just say Atlanta...beats trying to describe Roswell.

Yes, I do train in the area. I'm an instructor at Atlanta Ryukyu Kempo in Roswell. I'm about to start up another gig though: Atlanta Kyusho & Jujitsu. I'm moving into Atlanta (a 15 mile difference) and am planning on opening a school in Midtown area. That's the plan anyways so I'm writing up the details now.

Do you train in Marietta? Any other Georgians on here?

LOL - I know exactly what you mean. And I'm a little familiar with your school - I've watched most of the videos on that site a few times! I'm struggling with training right now because everything I'm interested in is either really far away or very difficult to get to in ATL traffic. It's frustrating. Good luck on the school in Midtown. Sounds great!