Greetings and saluations


White Belt
Hello everyone,
This seems to be the place for introductory posts, so here goes:
I am located in the Seattle area of Washington state.
I'm 22 and have been studying martial arts since I was 8.
My primary style is Shaolin Snake, and I also have a good amount of training in Hung Gar, Bagua, Xingyi, and the other Shaolin animal styles.
Welcome to MartialTalk!
Awesome! Welcome to MT, we need more CMA guys. Were starting to get outnumbered by all the Japanese guys. Just kidding, its all good.
Chaz, who in Seattle do you study Shaolin Snake under?

As much as I would love to give my group some publicity, I feel obligated to respect my instructor's privacy, at least as far as a public internet forum is concerned. PM me if you'd like to talk more.
The organization that I belong to is a Buddhist religious order, not a commercial entity. The main location is in Portland OR, but the Seattle group is the largest of the satelites. Our classes meet in local parks and community centers in West Seattle and Capitol Hill, although we've been lucky enough to get enough students to form an official club on the UW campus, allowing us to use classrooms for free.
Welcome Chaz, and I like the respect you show your teacher. Well met and look forward to hearing more from you!

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