Hello from Aberdeen Scotland


White Belt
Hey I am a martial arts student, learning martial arts again. Basically I had a few years of my life in which i did very little physical training but I am getting back up on the horse again. Last time I trained martial arts i picked up a lot of bad habits and ill advised training's in which I have found are now a great learning resource by which I can share and help others (hopefully) to recognize in their practices. Training, kung fu, Juijitsu and boxing and having alot of fun and enjoyment whilst learning.
Welcome to MT.! :) How's the Granite city? I went to school and uni there, miss the rowies. lol.
Place is grey as always, hope to explore some more of the world in the near future, Rowies are great man, always forget they are a regional thing haha
We used to live in Bucksburn, I went to Albyn School for girls as it was then, they waited until I left to left boys in, can't think why ;)
Welcome! :) patience and effort... patience and effort... keep trying dont give up eventually those bad habbits will cease

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