Hello, fellow white belt has joined MartialTalk


White Belt
I just started taking taekwondo a couple weeks ago and I enjoy it. I am taking it at my university for a class and I think I will go and join the club also. My instructor is very good. I am just worried about testing for my next rank, whenever that will be. I need to ask how the testing works as I am confused about it.

Welcome, InvSh, it's good to have you with us!

I know you'll think this is easy to say, but try not to worry too much (a little bit of worry never hurts, but really, there's nothing to worry about if the class is good). The great secret is, in any good school, or program, regardless of the art, your instructor will not let you test if s/he doesn't think you're ready to test. By the time you get to the point where you're out there going for your next belt, your instructors have already seen what they need to see; they're just making you go through your paces, because being able to perform under the pressure of scrutiny is one of the things that your rank advancement implies—that you were able to show what you know under that pressure. That's really the mark of mastery at any given level. So if you're given the green light to test, you really need to accept the fact that your teacher has seen the skill development in you that's required in order to pass that test. Remember: your instructors want you to be successful. It's true.
I just started taking taekwondo a couple weeks ago and I enjoy it. I am taking it at my university for a class and I think I will go and join the club also. My instructor is very good. I am just worried about testing for my next rank, whenever that will be. I need to ask how the testing works as I am confused about it.


And may the journey be a blessing to you
Greetings and Welcome to MT..Don't sweat the tests...I do not know anything about TDK testing, but if its anything like my first Shorin-Ryu test you will be asked to demonstrate everything you've been taught since you arrived..
Welcome aboard! Enjoy the path you've started. We look forward to hearing how you progress through your training.

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