Hello all,from eastern TN

The DC

White Belt
I hadn't seen this section when I updated the "Personal Details" of my profile,so rather than saying basically the same thing here,I'll paste it from there,LOL :p

I studied Tae Kwon Do as a teen for a couple of years,but after earning my driver's license and dicovering the opposite sex,LOL,walked away from Martial Arts (though I have always continued an interest) and moved on. Joined the Army (1991-1995,Airborne Infantry) right after high school and served in the Gulf War. After that,drove long haul trucks (1995-2008). I had a codriver wreck me one night in 2001,and suffered a twice broken neck,among other less serious spinal injuries,which led to me being unable to continue working by December of 2008,and have been "legally disabled" since 2011.

I also studied Tae Kwon Do (with a mix of Hapkido and Kenpo thrown in) for a few years between 2001 and 2005 before moving away and later having complications/issues with the injuries from 2001,earning the rank of Brown Belt (in a school where 1st Dan immediately follows Brown--I add this because I understand that some schools do belts/rank differently between the Reds and Browns/etc),and the trust of my late Sensei (he passed away in 2010 sadly,we'd kept in touch) to help teach and train other students (including those of higher ranks from other schools or Arts when they would join when appilcable) at those times.

I was always fairly active,racing motocross growing up and mtn bikes (bicycles) even as late as 2008 (I even competed in races like the 24 Hours of Snowshoe,on a rigid singlespeed bike),and had always tried to remain active when able to since those 2001 injuries.

I never lost my interest in the Martial Arts,and (with my doctor's approval mind you :p ) this year have started training again. So far,at my insistance (being that it's been about a decade since I last trained),I've been retraining and relearning my way back through the basics of lower ranks--while carrying/wearing my earned rank,mind you--until I (and my instructor/teacher) feel I've regained the skills to train farther. This new deep drive and training has also helped lots with those old spinal injuries FWIW.

I have goals of continuing study,with TKD being my "core Art",and learning other styles/Arts as well,and eventually working myself off of SSDI ("disability") as I'm becoming stronger and more capable,and eventually to teach/open my own school to give back to the Arts for all the benefits I have and am continuing to gain from them (Martial Arts).

Hello,I'm Stephen,it's nice to meet you :)

Other than all that,I'm a 42 year old dad to 2,husband to 1 for 23 years,and a generally all around nice respectful guy :)
Welcome to Martial Talk. Great success story of coming back from injury. We're glad you picked MT as part of your journey. Hope you enjoy the site.​
Thanks,my friend (on both the welcome and "great success story...") :) I lurked on a few forums before joining any (here is the only one I've joined),this looked like a great place with a good group :)
Welcome to MartialTalk. Hope you enjoy it.

A question. At least twice, you have used a Japanese term ("Sensei") when referring to an instructor of a Korean art (for which the title is "Sabum"). Why is that?
Thanks guys. Dirty Dog,my mistake in terminology,having been just over a decade ago,LOL,apologies. He always wanted to be refered to simply as "Mr.",so it was always my mistake then :eek::p I have a built in excuse (for bad memory) though...I hit my head hard enough to break my neck in 2 places and forget the simplest of things,LOL! It doesn't work as an excuse with the wife either,so just laugh with me :p:) All kidding aside though,thank you for pointing that out,I honestly never knew (and now understand why he would always sigh deeply and give me a funny look,LOL)
Welcome to MT! What a great and detailt introduction! I wish you the best of luck in regaining good health and martial provess. :)
Thanks,my friend :)

Had to take the last 4 or 5 days off from training due to a bad abscess from a tooth I need to have yanked out,but it's just about better now,so hopefully I can get back to training (eating,sleeping,and etc :p) today. I'd been putting in 2-4 hours per day,3-5 days per week (since I'm still basically a house-dad and can do so for now) until that hit,I'm anxious to get back to it. Talking (lots) with my instructor,I've been shooting for early Fall to hopefully be ready to test for 1st Dan...things like this (abscess) put real kinks in that plan,though,LOL! I'm old enough to know better than to train while the body's trying to heal from anything,so other than light warmups and stretching,I've just been resting and reading/studying more of the philosophy/history side of TKD (as well as a few other Arts--and reading lots here on MT :D) to keep my mind working.

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