Hell has frozen over...

Good grief...it isn't about me or my opinion at all! It has everything to do with MODERN society, and how it still falls short in several ways.

beau_safken said:
1) Selective service...Why can't woman 18-25 be signed up as that would double the ranks in time of need.

Personally, I think that the Selective Service Act is archaic, and *should* allow able-bodied women to be drafted. It's not like ALL men between the ages 18-45 are physically capable of ground fighting. I also think that women *should* be allowed to fight in the infantry. And I know there are many women who would be ready and willing to fight in the trenches, if called upon.

beau_safken said:
2) Why are there woman/men divisions in olympic sports, martial arts tourneys, and other sport events? Shouldn't it be one division?

Same reason why there are AGE catagories in most MA tourneys and other sporting events. Remember the big Little League World Series scandal a few years ago? One of the pitchers was a 14-year-old, and he was pitted against a bunch of kids who were 12 and under. Not a very fair matchup, don't you think?

beau_safken said:
3) Maturnity leave, woman choose to be pregnent so why should everyone else have to pay for that choice at work? Should men get a like break for a chosen ailment, problem or the like?

Don't you know how LIMITED maternity leave is nowadays? Most mothers wind up returning to work after just about a month or two. And it's not like most employers actually allot special time off for mothers. Most of them wind up using a combination of short-term disability and sick leave. Which is what a physically incapacitated male worker would use.

Check out this site for more info on maternity leave: http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/pregnancy/pregnantatwork/449.html

beau_safken said:
Are the above fair and equal? As for woman in Office, I'd love to see one make it all the way to being elected. The honest answer is it will be a very tall order to make that happen in our country, complain to me about being unfair or whatever...that's life atm.

Whether a woman can be drafted or not, separate gender competitions, and maternity leave are irrelevant to the topic of a woman being elected as president. But with all honesty, attitudes like the one you displayed on this thread certainly don't help matters any.
You're absolutaly correct. I can only come to one conclusion after that beatdown.

Woman are awesome and who are we to say they can't do anything ever.

Woman running for office are the apex of our democratic process as that means the system is working.

Woman should be given any and all considerations as they warrant it, regardless of social, political climate.

As far as I can see, why shouldn't we have a mandatory 51% woman 49% male balance in all realms of politics. I mean if mother nature deamed that the correct balance for the genders, who am I to argue.

Woman do have an extra chromosome then men, so that should say something right? Now who is more capable of great wonders than someone who is biologically superior.

Woman just kick ***, I don't know why...must be the charm.

Ok so now back on the topic. Yes, hell is going to freeze over...and its your fault Hilary.
beau_safken said:
1) Selective service...Why can't woman 18-25 be signed up as that would double the ranks in time of need.

3) Maturnity leave, woman choose to be pregnent so why should everyone else have to pay for that choice at work? Should men get a like break for a chosen ailment, problem or the like?

As for 1) the only reason the Selective service doesn't include women is cause an overwhelming majority of people in power are men and God forbid a woman go in the military....Woman can't even serve on the front line in the army unless they happen to be in a support unit that is sent to the front line and even then she is sometimes removed....It is the good old boys in power that keep selective service as it is.

and as for 3) you will find that many companies with good benefit packages also include paternity leave and though it usually isn't as long as maternity leave it still exists.
beau_safken said:
3) Maturnity leave, woman choose to be pregnent so why should everyone else have to pay for that choice at work? Should men get a like break for a chosen ailment, problem or the like?

If I am not mistaken, men can take maternaty leave in the same manner as women. The only 'pay' involved is that the employer must keep the position open for the worker to return at the end of 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Men can take this leave for the birth of a child, or for the care of an elder parent.

Your Rights under the Family Medical Leave Act

In February, 1993, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to enable workers to care for themselves or for family members without fear of job loss, harassment, or loss of benefits.

What is FMLA?

FMLA entitles employees with at least 12 months of employment, and who have worked 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months, to take up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12 month period. This work requirement is prorated for part-time employees, so that if you worked half-time, you would be entitled to 30 days of leave (or 60 half-days). Leave may be taken for:

  • the employee's own serious illness;
  • the care of a serious ill child, spouse, or parent;
  • the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child.
beau_safken said:
You're absolutaly correct. I can only come to one conclusion after that beatdown.
Woman are awesome and who are we to say they can't do anything ever.
Woman running for office are the apex of our democratic process as that means the system is working.
Woman should be given any and all considerations as they warrant it, regardless of social, political climate.
As far as I can see, why shouldn't we have a mandatory 51% woman 49% male balance in all realms of politics. I mean if mother nature deamed that the correct balance for the genders, who am I to argue.
Woman do have an extra chromosome then men, so that should say something right? Now who is more capable of great wonders than someone who is biologically superior.
Woman just kick ***, I don't know why...must be the charm.
Ok so now back on the topic. Yes, hell is going to freeze over...and its your fault Hilary.

Hyperbole is unbecoming on this topic. Your bigotry is your right. But combined with this hyperbolic response .. zingers at you ..
beau_safken said:
Woman do have an extra chromosome then men, so that should say something right? Now who is more capable of great wonders than someone who is biologically superior.

News to me. Last time I checked, they had 46. Men had 46.

A woman's chromosome complement is written as 46,XX. A male's as 46,XY. We men have the "Y" chromosome...but they have two X's in the match up of sex chromosomes.

I kind of like Hillary's latest suggestion to increase Congressional pay ONLY if minimum wage were raised along with it, i.e., Congress could only vote themselves a raise if they automatically gave the low wage workers a raise.

Zippy idea. It might cause the fast food industry to throw a little cold water on Congressional pay raises.


hardheadjarhead said:
I kind of like Hillary's latest suggestion to increase Congressional pay ONLY if minimum wage were raised along with it, i.e., Congress could only vote themselves a raise if they automatically gave the low wage workers a raise.

I hadn't heard that....be nice...would never fly but would be sweet! I mean in theory you pay your elected officials well so they don't become corrupt....but um...I don't think that is working too good right now....
Bigot - A person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.

beau_safken said:
Is that Bigotry for having a opposing position? Or just to help with that Zinger?

Not an opposing position, but a personal opinion which you started by disclaiming. An earlier post says :
beau_safken said:
I don't care what gender you are, but unfortunatly most world governments do.

So, is your 'opposing position' that women can't your shouldn't be the chief executive in the country, or that other countries won't accept it?

Regardless of which argument you make, people here have shown that woman are capable of leading nations, and countries around the world have accepted it.

Seems we have some 'truthiness' showing up here at MartialTalk. As Monsier Colbert would tell us, have a man as the leader of the free world just "feels" right, eh?
Based on the definition, I guess we are all Bigots then. We all stick to our opinions don't we?
Websters New Standard Dictionary for Home, School and Office, pub. 1969 y McLoughlin Brothers, Inc., New York:

bigot: n. one obstinately and unreasonably wedded to a particular belief or creed; dogmatist.
Now, that sounds more reasonable for a definition.
hardheadjarhead said:
I kind of like Hillary's latest suggestion to increase Congressional pay ONLY if minimum wage were raised along with it, i.e., Congress could only vote themselves a raise if they automatically gave the low wage workers a raise.
Do you suppose that the people employing low wage workers will eat the increased outflow of money or do you suppose they will raise the price of the products they sell?

Perhaps, instead of those two alternatives they will find that mechanizing more of the labor becomes more economical to them considering the increased labor costs - and as a result, employ fewer workers?
Hand Sword said:
Based on the definition, I guess we are all Bigots then. We all stick to our opinions don't we?

Certainly, I am not using the term in a derogatory manner, but descriptive. If you can provide a more accurate adjective, I will be happy to employ it.
Hand Sword said:
Based on the definition, I guess we are all Bigots then. We all stick to our opinions don't we?


An open minded person is one willing to change his/her mind in the face of better evidence and more reasoned arguments. Further, they're willing to actually investigate those arguments and consider their merits before rushing to judgement.

Many of us (me included) bought into the WMD casus belli argument for the invasion of Iraq, only to change their minds later when they discovered the spin behind the spiel. Polls clearly indicate Bush's supporters are abandoning him in droves. Some of us have also come to accept that our planet isn't 6,000 years old and flat--while some today (a distressing number) still hold fast to the bronze-age method of geography.

Opinions change with changing data...unless, of course, the person holding the opinion is thickheaded, obstinate, and poorly educated.


" 'liberal' New York Sen. Hillary Clinton" ???

Well, that's a good one. I guess the country has finally lurched so far to the right that they're calling Hillary "liberal". Here in NY, she's not considered a "liberal"
Our leader here is a female, in fact she has been in office now for the last 3 terms!! She must be doing something right.
Raewyn said:
Our leader here is a female, in fact she has been in office now for the last 3 terms!! She must be doing something right.

Well, that's one country right off the bat that isn't falling apart at the seams with a woman leader... She's not waging war with every country that might be a "threat", and her popularity poll isn't heading south faster than -you name it-....

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