Helen Thomas calls group's criticism of opinions 'intimidation'

The very issue of the existence of a state called Israel is a whole other whirlpool of international decisions, sad to say. I'd like to say they were made with the best of intentions but communal Holocaust Guilt saw to it that 'promises' made during wartime to gain cooperation were carried through, despite the fact that trying to compensate for one wrong caused another one.

The idea of recreating Israel where it once was pre-dates the Shoah. See Theodore Herzl and also the Balfour Declaration.
The idea of recreating Israel where it once was pre-dates the Shoah. See Theodore Herzl and also the Balfour Declaration.

As far as the UK is concerned it's more making good a promise they reneged on earlier in the century.
The end of the last world war was an opportunity for people to make good what was already promised to the Jewish people long belong that war, it didn't come about suddenly because people felt guilty. The Jewish people weren't promised anything for their co-operation, there was none to give and none asked though many Jews who were already in Israel did join the Allied forces and of course Jews did their bit for the war effort in whatever Allied country they lived in but that wasn't in return for anything other than they were fighting for freedom with everyone else.
I now have the power of the link. Fear me. The mac is a little different than the pc.
I'll work on that. The link thing was a big step for me. The thing that threw me is that I tried the control c thing but it wasn't working. My brother pointed out, "Hey, you have a Mac, you probably use command c," and presto, the power of the link was mine. Any thoughts on quotes with a mac?
I'll work on that. The link thing was a big step for me. The thing that threw me is that I tried the control c thing but it wasn't working. My brother pointed out, "Hey, you have a Mac, you probably use command c," and presto, the power of the link was mine. Any thoughts on quotes with a mac?

Best when raining.