Heavy Bag Work with a Stick!

When I stayed in NC I made a video of myself practicing double sticks on a single tire tied to a tree in the backyard.

Months later, I made one of these to replace the single tire in the previous video.

I've moved back to Houston and have started over again with one tire. Damn I miss that tire dummy.(there was no room in the van to hold it)....
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When I stayed in NC I made a video of myself practicing double sticks on a single tire tied to a tree in the backyard.

Months later, I made one of these to replace the single tire in the previous video.

I've moved back to Houston and have started over again with one tire. Damn I miss that tire dummy.(there was no room in the van to hold it)....


I watched your video clips on you tube a while back, they were very good. I liked the tire dummy, how did you make it?

Did you have plans for it?

What did you use to cut the tires?

I have some extra tires that I collected to make a tire stack out of, however we are getting a new house built so I plan to make a tire stack or dummy out there. I saw your tire dummy and liked it better than what I had planned. So I was wondering if you would share how you made it?

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I watched your video clips on you tube a while back, they were very good. I liked the tire dummy, how did you make it?

Did you have plans for it?

What did you use to cut the tires?

I have some extra tires that I collected to make a tire stack out of, however we are getting a new house built so I plan to make a tire stack or dummy out there. I saw your tire dummy and liked it better than what I had planned. So I was wondering if you would share how you made it?


here's a photo of one of the tires I cut to wrap over the hole over another tire to make the body and the head.

I invite you to notice how I set the bolts and washer and nut to connect the tire with the cut tire...


Since I didn't have any plans, I hope these photos can explain it for you. You can stop right here or .....

add another tire for lower body target.

I hope this helps....


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