heavy bag gloves


Senior Master
What kind of gloves should I use to punch the heavy bag? full boxing gloves? what size? or perhaps MMA gloves?

I want to do some heavy bag work out, nothing special or heavy just to start to build up some muscle and tone my wrist and hands.

I've seen some videso where some kind of cloth wraps around bandages on the hands si all but don't know how safe is this?

I know using dumbbells is a good thing however I think it's more funny to punch the heavy bag.

I prefer bare knuckles, no wraps: Same condition my hands will be in if forced to defend myself.
I prefer a certain amount of bare knuckles, but not exclusively. For gloves I use 4oz Harbingers. I recommend the ones with wrist straps. A fairly common injury to yourself whether you wear gloves or not is rolling your wrist as you begin to fatigue, which these will help you to avoid.
I generally use bare knuckles, but when practicing uppercuts on the heavy bag, it can tear me up if I want to go full force, so my wife got me a great set of 'Harbinger' bag gloves for Christmas last year. They're great.


They provide knuckle protection, of course, but they also wrap the wrist; if you're doing full power punching and I mean FULL power, they can help you keep that wrist straight. Granted you should have good enough form that your wrist doesn't fold up when you hit anyway, but it also helps support the wrist if you've happened to hurt it. I just like 'em.

NOTE: They can leave marks on the bag.
When you're first starting, I'd suggest using bag gloves. They're light, similar to the MMA gloves, but they have an extra bar across the palm that provides a bit of extra support to the hand. Do NOT spar wearing these gloves; the bar does essentially the same thing as the old boxers trick of putting a roll of pennies in the glove.
The Century gloves linked above are excellent.

As your hands get conditioned, you can gradually use lighter protection (such as wraps) and ultimately it's certainly possible to go full force with bare knuckles.

But please don't start out bare knuckled. You'll hurt yourself unnecesarily and take longer to properly condition your hands.
I would start off with boxing gloves (size 16 oz.), and then gradually move towards smaller gloves (i.e. MMA gloves). I like the boxing gloves from Revgear.
my instructor won't let us use bag gloves. he said we need to toughen our hands. then, we don't do a ton of punching on the bags normally either. i have had blood pool between my knuckles after a bag workout. thankfully it went away the next day.

edit: oh look my yellow belt! hopefully i can get my yellow belt in TKD and hapkido next month or so!
Personally, before i went Bare-Knuckle, i used light Hand Wraps underneath MMA Gloves. Then i took away the MMA Gloves, then the Hand Wraps.
But if you actually want Boxing Gloves, Avanti has never done me wrong. And theyre pretty cheap.
What kind of gloves should I use to punch the heavy bag? full boxing gloves? what size? or perhaps MMA gloves?

I want to do some heavy bag work out, nothing special or heavy just to start to build up some muscle and tone my wrist and hands.

I've seen some videso where some kind of cloth wraps around bandages on the hands si all but don't know how safe is this?

I know using dumbbells is a good thing however I think it's more funny to punch the heavy bag.

Manny, WRAP properly first (not so tight that you cannot wiggle your fingers). Wrap properly so as to spare yourself injury to your bones and tendons. Wrapping is not to protect your knuckles, it is to keep your fist together tightly in good form. Then make sure you use BAG SPECIFIC GLOVES! Do not go for MMA gloves if you are not so used to bag work. Check for plenty of wrist support in the gloves. Title Gels if you have lots of $$$, Hayabusa, Everlast etc. There are lots of decent brands to try out for feel and weight (10-16oz) and but *NOT* MMA gloves for heavy bag work! Good luck, Jenna.
I prefer bare knuckles, no wraps: Same condition my hands will be in if forced to defend myself.

Valid reasoning, here's my counter point.

It's far too easy to damage hands, knuckles, wrists, etc. without gloves or at least wraps. I'd look into boxing style "bag" gloves and 180" wraps personally.
Valid reasoning, here's my counter point.

It's far too easy to damage hands, knuckles, wrists, etc. without gloves or at least wraps. I'd look into boxing style "bag" gloves and 180" wraps personally.

I agree 100% I always use gloves! ( well 95%) My health is more important..

/Markku P.