Healthy Tension & Limits of Relaxation

Some supporting (although somewhat abstracted) research. It's kind of a read it, whisper "what the ****?" to yourself, put it down, pick it up again in the morning thing.

Muscle Physiology - Functional Properties (more formal and comes with .edu extension)
Force of Muscle Contraction (I think a better explanation)

It's abstracted because it's not in the context of fighting or describing the force of impact of the knuckles through a target. It's describing the speed of contraction of muscles and the force generated as a result.

I'll keep on the look out for any studies involving fighters and force generation. That would be the empirical approach, the theoretical might have more material but be subject to anecdotal evidence.

~ Alan

Thanks for the reply! :) I'm going to take a look at the articles now. It wouldn't be expected that someone would get funding for research on this particular topic but you provided what I expect will be good material.

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