Having a predatory killer instinct mentality is far more important in being a warrior than physical skills and physical fitness

Possibly I'm misinterpreting this, but the OP seems to be glorifying people who have 'a killer instinct'. That's not what life's about.
I'm aware this is pointless to respond to, but I'm bored

You know you don't have to repeat each of the sports you consider worthy each time, right?


And Ali only did boxing and track, so I guess he doesn't count. But most athletically gifted people in the US did some form of popular sport in high school, that's correlation not causation.

So? I thought military soldiers aren't the most badass so why does that matter?

Is it? Or is that just the movies?

So even if you're right that their bullies, bullying someone now = having a predatory killer instinct?

Anyone else? Genghis khan might like a word.

Wait I thought this was about sports. What does him being in a gang have to do with anything? Besides, aren't sports people more badass than gang members?

So being a bully is the same as being a contract killer? And since all high school athletes are bullies, that means they're all contract killers, rapists, pedophiles, etc? Did I understand that right?

As opposed to the literal gang members? You understand that not all gang members are college frat boys right? And many athletes don't go to college or join frats?

This depends a lot on what you consider frequent. I also don't think you need to be tough to get a women 100 pounds lighter than you drunk at a party and have your way with her. Immoral yes, but tough?

Most of the extraordinarily gifted athletes play more than one sport growing up. So you see less pure combat sports. And people who have been doing a sport since young (regardless if it's boxing/wrestling or something else) will have a good base level of fitness.

In the long run, or for survival? In the long run, no. For survival in specific situations, having a killer instinct might be more important. Not gonna say you need it to be predatory though.

I don't think that facts means what you think it means.

You know anime is not real life right? Not sure why that qualifies as important.
Well I’m not bored anymore.
Look at this enabler!

That one-liner will never help you against my debating skills.

NO! Athletes are indeed bullies and the worst bullies in highschool and college. This is not some made up nonsense. It's just a commonly well-known fact.

The fact is that athletes are testosterone-filled alpha males. Testosterone is the primal masculine hormone that creates aggression and virility. Humans are biological apes after all.

The fact that MAINSTREAM media portrays athletes as highschool bullies and thugs despite the fact that athletes are literally the traditional heroes of highschool and the whole modern world shows that something is clearly wrong with athletes.

They're supposed to be everyone's heroes. From the beginning, it was planned that they're going to be the traditional heroes. Not the victims that they bullied.

Think about it. They're literally the modern world's folk heroes, epic mythical heroes, and heroic legends. They're like the modern versions of Hercules, Thor, King Arthur, Miyamoto Musashi, Perseus, Beowulf, etc. Yet the same MAINSTREAM people who worship them also say that they're bullies, rapists, and thugs.

Athletes are seen as everyone's heroes yet MAINSTREAM AKA POPULAR media portrays athletes as bullies and college frat boys as rapists.

By the way, most college frat boys and most college sorority girls are once highschool athletes and highschool popular "cool" kids.

Remember! It's not the bullying victims or other obscure people that portrays athletes as villains and bullies. It's the MAINSTREAM media which means the NORMAL majority who weren't bullied and had a healthy social life. The same former enablers who supported the athletic bullies in highschool against their victims. The people who worship athletes.

So if normal people are saying that athletes are bullies and villains despite them being the people that's supposed to be everyone's traditional heroes then it must be true that athletes are indeed thugs and villains.

It's just a fact and here are proof:

In Amarillo, Texas, USA, a highschool gridiron football team bullied some punk rockers which resulted in one highschool gridiron football player murdering a punk rocker.

Here's some proof:

College frat boys are rapists and here are proof:

Also, it is a well-known fact that highschool sports coaches are pedophiles who have affairs with highschool cheerleaders.
OK, I'm done. Time for you to go on my ignore list. Have a nice life.
It's not just them. It's also gridiron football players, wrestlers, soldiers, etc.

Stop being an enabler. That's how you create bullies. You're giving them way too much power.

You don't have them commit crimes and then you would call them nice. It doesn't work like that.

The fact is that most elite combat sports athletes tend to have criminal records. You can say anything you want but you will never change that fact.

Most expert self-defense instructors agree that aggression is far more important in a street fight and that most physical martial arts trainings you learned gets thrown out when faced with real dangerous situations.
You are way overthinking all of this. Who hurt you buddy? Tell us, get it all out.
What do you mean by dorks? It's not just dorks that suffer this injustice. Even other types of bullying victims such as deaf kids, gays, goths, orphans, those whose parents are criminals, blind kids, racial minorities who never assimilated, etc. also suffer this kind of bullying and injustice by the whole school.

In fact, most bullying victims are not introverts, eccentrics, or autistics but are just other people.

Society loves a winner. They don't care if you're a good person. They just care if you're on top.

The USA is way too narcissistic in terms of celebrity worship.
Now you are making at least some sense.