Having a predatory killer instinct mentality is far more important in being a warrior than physical skills and physical fitness

That's why you need clackledocking. You learn techniques such as 'boot to the face' that enable you to rise above such thuggery
This should probably be a separate thread, but having a daughter who is on the spectrum that recently graduated from high school has caused me to look back at the many things I've seen when I was in high school:

I realized that how other students see a particular classmate in terms of social status, teachers likely see that student the same way. If the student is popular, teachers probably like him or her too. If other students think a particular classmate is a dork and pick on him a lot, the teacher probably feels the same way and doesn't care when they see that child being picked on.

This was the case with my daughter.

But the second that child fights back, they're in the wrong. Inflicting harm on someone is reserved for the "cool kids," not the dorks.

What do you mean by dorks? It's not just dorks that suffer this injustice. Even other types of bullying victims such as deaf kids, gays, goths, orphans, those whose parents are criminals, blind kids, racial minorities who never assimilated, etc. also suffer this kind of bullying and injustice by the whole school.

In fact, most bullying victims are not introverts, eccentrics, or autistics but are just other people.

Society loves a winner. They don't care if you're a good person. They just care if you're on top.

The USA is way too narcissistic in terms of celebrity worship.
That's why you need clackledocking. You learn techniques such as 'boot to the face' that enable you to rise above such thuggery
...must be an inside joke that I'm not privy to.

Screenshot 2024-10-18 094002.png
x...must be an inside joke that I'm not privy to.
Yup. It's a fictional martial art that is used to antagonise silly people.
What do you mean by dorks? It's not just dorks that suffer this injustice. Even other types of bullying victims such as deaf kids, gays, goths, orphans, those whose parents are criminals, blind kids, racial minorities who never assimilated, etc. also suffer this kind of bullying and injustice by the whole school.

In fact, most bullying victims are not introverts, eccentrics, or autistics but are just other people.

Society loves a winner. They don't care if you're a good person. They just care if you're on top.

The USA is way too narcissistic in terms of celebrity worship.
Ah, now here we have progress. At least your heart is in the right place...
People think that I am making nonsense but the fact is that people who are assholes tend to always come out on top.

The video below is another proof. It is about a professional psychologist proving that assholes win in the end.

These are also the reasons why corporate elites and elite politicians tend to be psychopaths. Also, most politicians are college frat members because as a politician, you need a lot of connections to thrive in politics.
What? You're saying that introverts, eccentrics, and autistics are the only ones who get bullied?
All of that is besides the point. The point is that teachers are part of the same consensus as the student body when it comes to how individual students are viewed.
People think that I am making nonsense but the fact is that people who are assholes tend to always come out on top.
You've ignored any rebuttals that aren't one-line responses, gone on unrelated tangents, and have edited out your posts to lie about what you've written. Whether or not your actual argument is solid, you're not exactly making a great case for it.
There is a reason Sparta no longer exists as a culture.
Today, team sports serve as an outlet for "warrior culture" that would otherwise be incompatible with a modern civilized society. So I get what the OP is saying.

From what I recall, all children were equal in social status up to the 3rd grade. It was in the 4th grade that pecking orders were starting to be established. And it was the boys who were reaching puberty before the others that held the higher positions.
Funakoshi did say spirit first technique second or some such.....
Bullies are just the juvenile form of a$$holes. Learn to do deal with bullies when you're young cause you'll have to deal with a-holes your whole life.
All the tough guys from my high school ended up flipping burgers and having miserable lives. But whatever a person needs to believe, I guess.
Is it? Or is that just the movies?
Look at this enabler!

That one-liner will never help you against my debating skills.

NO! Athletes are indeed bullies and the worst bullies in highschool and college. This is not some made up nonsense. It's just a commonly well-known fact.

The fact is that athletes are testosterone-filled alpha males. Testosterone is the primal masculine hormone that creates aggression and virility. Humans are biological apes after all.

The fact that MAINSTREAM media portrays athletes as highschool bullies and thugs despite the fact that athletes are literally the traditional heroes of highschool and the whole modern world shows that something is clearly wrong with athletes.

They're supposed to be everyone's heroes. From the beginning, it was planned that they're going to be the traditional heroes. Not the victims that they bullied.

Think about it. They're literally the modern world's folk heroes, epic mythical heroes, and heroic legends. They're like the modern versions of Hercules, Thor, King Arthur, Miyamoto Musashi, Perseus, Beowulf, etc. Yet the same MAINSTREAM people who worship them also say that they're bullies, rapists, and thugs.

Athletes are seen as everyone's heroes yet MAINSTREAM AKA POPULAR media portrays athletes as bullies and college frat boys as rapists.

By the way, most college frat boys and most college sorority girls are once highschool athletes and highschool popular "cool" kids.

Remember! It's not the bullying victims or other obscure people that portrays athletes as villains and bullies. It's the MAINSTREAM media which means the NORMAL majority who weren't bullied and had a healthy social life. The same former enablers who supported the athletic bullies in highschool against their victims. The people who worship athletes.

So if normal people are saying that athletes are bullies and villains despite them being the people that's supposed to be everyone's traditional heroes then it must be true that athletes are indeed thugs and villains.

It's just a fact and here are proof:

In Amarillo, Texas, USA, a highschool gridiron football team bullied some punk rockers which resulted in one highschool gridiron football player murdering a punk rocker.

Here's some proof:

College frat boys are rapists and here are proof:

Also, it is a well-known fact that highschool sports coaches are pedophiles who have affairs with highschool cheerleaders.
I tried to be understanding with the OP. Sounds like a recent high school grad that still has a chip on his shoulder.

Dude, you need to stop listening to guys like Andrew Taint and chill the fiddlestick out.
I don't think Andrew Tate would be trash-talking the same guys that the OP is trash-talking. Hell, Andrew Tate happens to be in that group that the OP is hating on.

IMO, people with large platforms who bash Andrew Tate need to propose alternative solutions to the problems young men seek him out for in the first place. Andrew Tate rose to where he is because - his solutions being right or wrong - he's the only one addressing these young men.