Having a predatory killer instinct mentality is far more important in being a warrior than physical skills and physical fitness

You literally said watch this important video, and its a speech from an anime character. That you edited out after getting called out on it I guess.
I never said anything about anime. Also, you're being discriminatory just because you hate nerds and beta males. Anime is popular nowadays. Even tough NFL players are fans of shounen anime. Times changed so stop discriminating.
You see, I've actually met these people whereas you are just talking out your behind
Again, no proof or reason for your statements. Just blind worship like how people worship Jon Jones as a nice guy despite the fact that the guy literally tried to ran over a pregnant woman by using his car.

You don't get to have your idol commit murder and then you're gonna come to me and say that he's a nice guy. Rational people will punch you in the face for saying that.
OP has a point. Look at some of the most famous boxers - Mike Tyson, Hector Camacho, Mitch Green, Sonny Liston, Jake LaMotta - the list goes on: they've all had a history of getting in trouble with the law due to committing violent crimes.

However, I'm never going to argue that it's better to be that type. It comes with consequences that those of us who wish to lead a quite life don't want.
I never said anything about anime. Also, you're being discriminatory just because you hate nerds and beta males. Anime is popular nowadays. Even tough NFL players are fans of shounen anime. Times changed so stop discriminating.
Are you denying you posted a speech from an anime character?

I'm a nerd who likes anime, and don't believe beta males are a thing. I've likely been watching anime literally since before you were born; that's how I recognized the bleach speech. I think you're just upset I realized you tried to edit your first post to hide the anime mention.
Besides, professional clackledockers are some of the nicest guys around
Dude, this is how you create bullies. You're being an enabler.

The real reason why bullies thrive is because the environment their in are all enablers.

This is how highschool bullying victims who fight back tend to be punished while the bullies don't get punished for bullying.
Perhaps we're all in the wrong business- it seems assembling a list of clichés and illustrating it with awful candid camera fight footage, then passing it off as 'fight science' is much easier than actually training
Dude, this is how you create bullies. You're being an enabler.

The real reason why bullies thrive is because the environment their in are all enablers.

This is how highschool bullying victims who fight back tend to be punished while the bullies don't get punished for bullying.
How dare you malign the name of clackledocking? :eek:
How dare you malign the name of clackeldocking? :eek:
It's not just them. It's also gridiron football players, wrestlers, soldiers, etc.

Stop being an enabler. That's how you create bullies. You're giving them way too much power.

You don't have them commit crimes and then you would call them nice. It doesn't work like that.

The fact is that most elite combat sports athletes tend to have criminal records. You can say anything you want but you will never change that fact.

Most expert self-defense instructors agree that aggression is far more important in a street fight and that most physical martial arts trainings you learned gets thrown out when faced with real dangerous situations.
It's not just them. It's also gridiron football players, wrestlers, soldiers, etc.

Stop being an enabler. That's how you create bullies. You're giving them way too much power.

You don't have them commit crimes and then you would call them nice. It doesn't work like that.

The fact is that most elite combat sports athletes tend to have criminal records. You can say anything you want but you will never change that fact.

Most expert self-defense instructors agree that aggression is far more important in a street fight and that most physical martial arts trainings you learned gets thrown out when faced with real dangerous situations.
Do yourself a favor and look up clackledockling before you continue to argue about the people who practice it.
No. Why do you think nerds tend lose fights against highschool gridiron football bullies even after learning karate, boxing, and judo?
That's movies. In reality, nerds who learn martial arts don't get in fights with jocks. Jocks don't mess with them because it looks bad to be smacked around by a nerd. Nerds who learn martial arts also know how to avoid being a target of bullies.
Because nerds are not aggressive and always tend to be on the defensive while gridiron football bullies are aggressive and always go for the offensive.
Because nerds are intelligent and know not just how to fight (if trained), they learn when to fight - and when not to.
Nerds don't have a killer instinct mentality.
Nerds don't need it. It's a liability to survival in the human world. Even on the modern battlefield, 'killer instinct' has limited utility.
This is how highschool bullying victims who fight back tend to be punished while the bullies don't get punished for bullying.
This should probably be a separate thread, but having a daughter who is on the spectrum that recently graduated from high school has caused me to look back at the many things I've seen when I was in high school:

I realized that how other students see a particular classmate in terms of social status, teachers likely see that student the same way. If the student is popular, teachers probably like him or her too. If other students think a particular classmate is a dork and pick on him a lot, the teacher probably feels the same way and doesn't care when they see that child being picked on.

This was the case with my daughter.

But the second that child fights back, they're in the wrong. Inflicting harm on someone is reserved for the "cool kids," not the dorks.
That's simply not true. For every 'testosterone filled brute', there are several good sportsmen who have a positive attitude towards training.
What? Most of the best of the best MMA fighters all have violent or sexual criminal records. That's a fact you cannot deny. They're clearly not your average good people.

Jon Jones is not someone you want to be alone with in a windowless closed room without any cameras. He will eat you alive.
As misguided as it may be, there is a point to this.
At a certain level, skill levels even out and the low hanging fruit is all gone. At that point physical preparation becomes the deciding factor.

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson