I did, twice. The first time it was an elderly retired Marine who lived up the street from us. I put my small boys into their wagon and hauled them up to visit him to say Thank You with some homemade bread. He was surprised, and he obviously didn't get many visitors and wanted to talk my ear off with a few anecdotes. He has since moved away as of a few years ago, I don't know where to. It left me wondering if anybody else had ever expressed appreciation to him for fighting for our country.
The second occasion was with a letter I wrote to my grandfather who'd served in WW2 in the Army. He has a small collection of medals and a purple heart. I grew up knowing about his service but it didn't occur to me until last year when he was ailing in a senior care home in Washington to actually thank him for it. I am grateful to God that he's still alive to thank.
If you are a veteran, let me take this opportunity to add my humble thanks to your collection.
If, like me, you are a regular civilian, you don't know how much it would mean to a veteran to have his/her service recognized with a simple thanks. Possibly you'd be the first, maybe even the only, one to do so.
The second occasion was with a letter I wrote to my grandfather who'd served in WW2 in the Army. He has a small collection of medals and a purple heart. I grew up knowing about his service but it didn't occur to me until last year when he was ailing in a senior care home in Washington to actually thank him for it. I am grateful to God that he's still alive to thank.
If you are a veteran, let me take this opportunity to add my humble thanks to your collection.
If, like me, you are a regular civilian, you don't know how much it would mean to a veteran to have his/her service recognized with a simple thanks. Possibly you'd be the first, maybe even the only, one to do so.