In origin: This is how New York got its idiotic martial arts weapons law.... a media frenzy about martial arts madness in the streets, followed by ignorant politicians eager to look as if they are "doing something"...... which always translates into a loss of freedom. We wound up with an insane and useless law.
But in type, this appears like proposed gun laws which the NRA, thankfully, has defeated..... any law which would have an unelected bureaucrat able to define what is included will always lead to the maximum amount of lost freedom. What do they have to lose? You have everything to lose - and you will.
To be sure, there are idiotic and dangerous pet owners: people who get tired of their pythons or snakeheads and dump them into the nearest swamp, regardless of the grave threat to the ecosytems;chimp owner who feeds the primate human drugs then calls a middle aged friend over - instead of animal control - with grievous consequences for that person; wimpy men who think mistreating their dog til its mean makes them a macho man (oddly, this proposed law exempts dogs), and so on...
But new laws should be formulated in a cool atmosphere of thought, study and deliberation - they seldom are. Responsibility should stay with elected officials, as they are responsible to the people.... yet responsibility is avoided like a flesh eating virus. Wrongdoers must be severely punished while the rights and freedoms of common people are zealously protected, and...... no, I have not been taking LSD this evening.