Hatsumi Sensei and the Swordwork in the Bujinkan!

Agreed. It's not a common focus in the US, however.

All depends on where you are from I guess.
I don't know exactly about that Dan as I get to train regularly with MJER people as well as people in other ryu-ha. What they like about Bujinkan sword work is what happens after the draw and the ability to move on angles, etc. They also like the freedom of movement.

Don't get me wrong - one of our greatest strengths is freedom with weapons in our hands. One of our greatest weaknesses is freedom with weapons in our hands. I have seen far too many sloppy sloppy demos over the years from very high ranks with very low skill.

I too like subtlety and can see some subtlety in Bujinkan sword work as well.

Same here. Not from Arnaud though... Hence my observation earlier.

Maybe you need to work with some of the Bujinkan people that are simply good with a sword or with some different partners.

No worries my friend. I always endeavor to surround myself with the best of the best. I have plenty of matt time with people who are "good with a sword".

Don't get me wrong - one of our greatest strengths is freedom with weapons in our hands. One of our greatest weaknesses is freedom with weapons in our hands. I have seen far too many sloppy sloppy demos over the years from very high ranks with very low skill.


You will not get an argument from myself on that note. Freedom of movement is one of those great and yet dangerous things. Some can do well with it and other's simply cannot. Quite often if freedom of movement comes to early then the practitioner never learns the intracacies of their chosen skill set.