Hatha Yoga OM HARE OM!

White Fox

Orange Belt
I have been practicing Hatha Yoga for about 4 yrs now and I find it indispensable in my practice. Yoga is wonderful because of its effect on you gross body, muscles, organs and skeletal structure. As well as your subtle nervous system, meridians and chakras .

One wonderful thing about Yoga is there are many cleansing practices that are very cheap to do because a lot of the yogis up in the mountains have no money! Like Neti which is nasal douching that can clear dust and debris from your nose and protect you from catching colds to name one practice.

Please share your own experiences with the health benefits of Yoga.
I've been considering yoga, more for the flexibility it can restore, but also for the health benefits. Sadly, most of what I find locally is just "stretching" and often doesn't pass the acid tests when examined closely. I'd love to hear more on the benefits though, and maybe some pointers on better understanding Yoga. :)
One beautiful thing about Yoga is it can help you in your meditation practice. You release tension from your body during the asana’s (postures). You can also do some pranayama which are a series of breathing exercises designed to help the person control the energy or Life Air around them in there body so that one can focus one’s mind single pointedly. Nuff said for helping meditation practice.

These breathing exercises will remove the stale air from your lungs and help to oxygenate your whole body while keeping you calm, alert and focused. Which can apply to all activities of life.

I think it was Lao Tsu that said all miseries come from the material body. In my practice short as it is I have found myself with improved health and a greater peace in my body and mind.
Yoga and I so far just haven't mixed. Maybe it was the types I've tried, which I can't tell you what types they are, but I always seem to hurt myself in the classes. Maybe I will try again in the future, but so far, it hasn't been the right choice for me.
I've practices Hatha yoga for several years, Now I am practicing Aeruvedic & Kirpalu Yoga traditions & I love it. They've help me immensely with my regular Martial arts training.

Peace & Namaste'
I've taken Ashtanga Yoga for a year, 90 min. classes until it conflicted with my teaching times for TKD. I took a short stint of 120 min. Primary-standing and sitting postures. I found that last one too much on my TKD rest day and took Hatha yoga this last time. Ashtanga is pretty physical and moves along at a good pace-alot of pushups in the Sun Salutations and all during the hour. :) But it did help me alot though. The two hour was even more physical, more back bend twists, flip outs, head stands (which I couldn't get into). Rather exhausting. The Hatha was pretty gentle. Modified few pushups in the Salutations. No Warrior poses etc. like that. Too gentle. So I like the Ashtanga the best, best for flexibility for me as I need a good warmup.

It helped me alot for Taekwondo. I think you should do yoga more than once a week, otherwise you lose whatever flexibility you gained. The meditation isn't something I look for and thankfully they don't get into it much if any. But we do a corpse pose at the end, and I near fall asleep. Maybe I need one of those vibration buzzers that go under the pillow, uh mat. TW
I tried Kirpalu Yoga a few years back and although I do see where it could benefit MA practice I am simply not a Yoga person. However I am very happy that there are Yoga people in the world. A very good friend of mine is a certified teacher in 2 or 3 types of Yoga and some type of Yoga therapy; I am not sure which ones.

As for me, it was just WAAAAY to peaceful, and I am just not that peaceful. I can do Tai Chi and Qi Gong and I enjoy them, but Yoga hit me as something very different....Yoga is a good thing....but not for me...
Hello, On the radio the other night listening to a Doctor's talk show. He said of all the excersie programs? ...he see's more injuries from people who do YOGA? Is it possible? ...........Aloha
still learning said:
Hello, On the radio the other night listening to a Doctor's talk show. He said of all the excersie programs? ...he see's more injuries from people who do YOGA? Is it possible? ...........Aloha

If you don't do the poses correctly than yes you can hurt yourself. Or if you do more than you can handle in your practice than yes you will do damage to your body but that goes for most kinds of physical activity. Correct posture is very important in poses.
At the urging of one of my instructors who saw my side and roundhouse kicks getting lower and lower over the last few years, I have been doing Bikram Yoga for 4 or 5 months.

For those who don't know, bikram is Hatha Yoga done in a room set at 105 to 110 degrees.

I was shocked at how strenous it is! I haven't done any other Yoga besides this so I don't have much to compare it to, just let me say that it kicks your butt:)

My kicks and general range of motion are coming back, which is great,
but the point I'd like to make is how powerfully this Yoga is benefitting my general health and well being, which is something I had no clue of prior to this.

Improved sleep, appetite, positive outlook, ets.

Thanks Yoga!

I have done Bikram Yoga too that stuff is quite intense! During my first session I thought I was going to puke.

But you really feel great after the session!