Blue Belt
Regarding the OP yes - I attended a school that a one point were offering a more intense class once every two weeks to their students. I think they nicknamed it the “Konditioning Karate Klass” or something dodgy like that.
It not that we did things totally different – it was just more warm-up exercises, more jogging, more drilling techniques done at faster tempo and with less breaks. By default this class wasn’t into teaching new things or reviewing concepts. You did what you already knew – again and again. It was good preparation for their rank tests.
On the plus sides – it designated one class where you knew your uniform would be soaked with sweat at the end. Or it was a class to avoid attending if you were feeling a bit off. This class was also good to go out socializing with fellow students afterwards and replenish body fluids with adult amber-colored drinks.

IMHO these designated classes really only work when the school is a full-time commercial endeavor with blocks of classes to offer. I attended a well-established TKD school chain that within each week’s schedule had: “normal” classes, forms classes, sparring classes, and there was even a stretching techniques designated class.
But if your M.A. instructor only offers you training times twice a week?
It not that we did things totally different – it was just more warm-up exercises, more jogging, more drilling techniques done at faster tempo and with less breaks. By default this class wasn’t into teaching new things or reviewing concepts. You did what you already knew – again and again. It was good preparation for their rank tests.
On the plus sides – it designated one class where you knew your uniform would be soaked with sweat at the end. Or it was a class to avoid attending if you were feeling a bit off. This class was also good to go out socializing with fellow students afterwards and replenish body fluids with adult amber-colored drinks.

IMHO these designated classes really only work when the school is a full-time commercial endeavor with blocks of classes to offer. I attended a well-established TKD school chain that within each week’s schedule had: “normal” classes, forms classes, sparring classes, and there was even a stretching techniques designated class.
But if your M.A. instructor only offers you training times twice a week?