Hard on your self, good, or bad

arnisador said:
Bruce Lee? Who died of a reaction to a drug?
He died of cerebral edema at least according to the reported autopsy. Possibly due to a simple drug reaction but in my experience these are usually deaths related to someone who has worked a little harder than average to consume substances in an attempt to relax, have fun whatever. Frequently people who work or train extra hard also feel they have the right to play extra hard. Just my personal observation.

I have not read the actual autopsy report just second hand descriptions of the cause of death. Enter the Dragon is the movie which initially inspired me to study Martial arts and I respect Mr. Lee as an inspired, hard working and influencial artist.


arnisador said:
The cerebral edema was attributed to a reaction to a headache powder he took, if memory serves.
This is also what I have read. I think a few years back, there was an interview in one of the Martial Arts mags, probably Blackbelt or Inside Kung-Fu, with the woman who was Bruce's friend, who gave him the medicine. If memory serves, it was some kind of a prescription pain killer. If true, I guess this is a perfect example of why not to share prescription medication with people...
I thought it wasn over-the-counter headache powder (given to him by his mistress) that may have reacted with a prescription medicine he was taking...I'm not sure! I know the headache powder ("Goody's"?) was the trigger.
The official story is that he had an unusual reaction to equagesic. (An Meprobamate and asprin combination.) The cerebral edema without other signs of drug reaction makes allergy an unlikely cause. a single equagesic would be very unlikely to cause this reaction. Meprobamate however has some severe complications when combined with other drugs (demerol for example.) I do not know what drugs he was tested for and when a person dies especially a celebrity everyone circles the wagon and the truth is difficult to find.

I responded to the Bruce Lee comment just because whatever the reason for his death, he died young and may not be a good role model for a long life in the martial arts.


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