"Happy Slapping" in the U.K.

sgtmac_46 said:
If that were the case, i'd run off before the police arrived too.
That is exactly what I tell my students now!

...and I went straight out and bought a new pair of running shoes after that
masterfinger said:
Jeeziz! I do not envy the job of LEO's in the UK. It seems that it will get to a major boiling point over there, and only until all the UK's officers band together to force a change in policy, that things will get better for them.
It seems that the banning of firearms in the UK didn't really help things much violence wise for law enforcement or civillians, they just pimp slap ya now.

Lol, the stupid thing is I'm going to be and LEO soon, yeah great job I'm lined up for. As for the police force and officers banning together its already happening, simply because they are too fed up of this political human rights crap. I think the Japanese style policing should be adopted. I just hope it changes before I get in, if I get in.
As for happy slappy having spent the last year in education Ive seen it done once by younger years, and it wasnt a full on attack but more of a joke, since one guy had his mobile out filming and another just charged unsuspectingly at another from behind barging straight into him and knocking him flat, the fact the kid was crying meant that they didnt continue. Still at least it shows how dangerous and stupid it can be.
Maybe Police should start abusing their own human rights, until something is done, though that wouldn't be a very good idea. Talk about legal rights though, one of your American female police officers was almost beaten to death by a guy and the guy got 50 years (50 YEARS) now that is a sentence, in Britain they would get a pathetic 2/3 years for assault, or not even that. Its pathetic!
Here is a story I read on another Martial arts forum about 4 days ago.

The manwho posted this story was being followed by teenagers and then he heard one of them say " I'll give you five pounds if you do it to him." Soon after one of them started running straight for him at that point he turned around and grabbed the kid by the neck. he was som stunned about what happened he didnt know what else to do but squeeze. So eventually the kid " fell asleep" and the man ran home

I just thought this would be interesting to hear
TKD USA said:
Here is a story I read on another Martial arts forum about 4 days ago.

The manwho posted this story was being followed by teenagers and then he heard one of them say " I'll give you five pounds if you do it to him." Soon after one of them started running straight for him at that point he turned around and grabbed the kid by the neck. he was som stunned about what happened he didnt know what else to do but squeeze. So eventually the kid " fell asleep" and the man ran home

I just thought this would be interesting to hear
stuff like this is the reason i don't like most law systems. in the u.k. you get couple years for assualt, in america, maybe 5 years of living off my payrole. i think that all world countries should adapt a more realistic viewon how to punsh people. your a racist, you become someones slave (i don't like racists') after all are you really human at this point? assualt, you get the bloody hell beat out you. "Happy slapping", can you say death? and if you have to send them to jail, make them work and pay for their own cost of living! hay we do and we are the good folks!!!! or if nothing else test exerimental drugs on them. you know like a cure for aids, we will end up finding a cure for one of the most horrifing deases in the world, and along the way kill alot of con.'s. srcew THEIR rights, what about mine???? and why are the only countries who will acculy put a stop to this kind of bull **** considered 'evil'. if every countrie was more realilistic avout punishment, the world as a whole would have less crime, after all would you want to go pull a knive on me if you could be killed for it? or if i could kill you for trieing and not get punished for it? and make it so that if some tried to rape my girlfreind and she could ACCTULY FIGHT BACK. i don't know if this true for most countries, but in the u.s. you can only defend yourself if your life is threatened. politicians and law makers have abboviosly never had to worry about that. and if anyone is wondering what political pary i'm a part of, its the rationalists lol.

sweet Brighit bless your blade, and wake up those stupid english law makers.


and if any english out their are ticked off at me know for that last line, i'm english too.
"A society should be judged not by how it treats its outstanding citizens but by how it treats its criminals." Fyodor Dostoevsky
And here I looked at the title and thought this was the usual "Kenpo Slap Art" thread LOL. All I can say is D%$&. Here in the US all the 'cons' carry guns and nobody really fist fights because whoever loses tends to try and "comeback" and shoot the winner (at least that's how it is here in Baltimore). Sounds like over there in the UK it's reversed none/few of the 'cons' carry guns and nobody really gets shot instead the 'cons' just beat the h*ll out of people. Just shows that guns aren't the root cause of violence, they are just a tool for already violent people. Wonder when the governments will (a) figure that out or (b) since they already know like everybody else do something about. Sigh...Time will tell.

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people" -- original author unknown
OUMoose said:
"A society should be judged not by how it treats its outstanding citizens but by how it treats its criminals." Fyodor Dostoevsky
Dostoevsky was speaking like a criminal. If criminals didn't feel that they should be treated better than others, they wouldn't be criminals in the first place.
OUMoose said:
"A society should be judged not by how it treats its outstanding citizens but by how it treats its criminals." Fyodor Dostoevsky

A very Chamberlinesque attitude by Mr Dostoevsky. An overly forgiving and
pacifistic nature will put the inmates in charge of the assylum.

I prefer a "speak softly but carry a big stick" attitude with an added "use it often when needed" :jedi1: .