Happy Newbie


White Belt
Hello Friends! I'm quite happy I finally found a place to answer the too many questions my newbie brain comes up with.

I've practised Judo with my uncle as a kid and I took a few Kung-Fu (Hung-Gar?) lessons 15 years ago. I've always wanted to come back to Martial Arts but other priorities took over every time.

It's one of those priorities that's bringing me back. I'm looking for a good way to get back in shape (I'm 36 and 20 pounds overweight) and also to instill some self-confidence in my 8 YO son. Got any suggestion?

I'm gonna take the time to read through the older posts but if anyone feels like saving me some time, I'd appreciate.

I'm also wondering how to know about an instructor's reputation. There's a lot of debate here (Quebec City, Canada) about the real value of a particular Kung-Fu School. Some say Sifu xyz is not as good as he says he is. How am I supposed to know? Are they just jealous of his success or is he overrated?

I'm gonna start digging (darn, this forumis huge!!!). Thanks for your help and I'll be reading carefully.

Have a wonderful day!!
Welcome and enjoy as far as the question about an Instructor, I take what people say with a gain of salt, the best and only way is to visit the school try it out and see for yourself.
Welcome, and happy posting! :wavey:

There are quite a few people who have come in with similar questions - I'd suggest the Beginner's Corner and the search function as good places to start. And let us know what you decide and how it goes!
Hello and welcome to MartialTalk ... enjoy!

As far as the instructor question, it is up to you to determine how compitent the person is, dependent upon what you are looking for in the art. Most important in the beginning is how you connect with your instructor. There are some fabulous people out there, some are awesome martial artists, but can't teach. Others may be mediocre as an artist, but oh can they teach. Of course there are those that are both, and those that can do neither. So, it is up to you to visit a school, try the classes, talk to the instructor and make a decision.

Good luck!
Welcome to Martial Talk.

Visit a few training halls so you will have a better idea what to look for. Each instructor will have his/her own personality and teaching style.

Think of a buffet. Walk the line and get a sample so you know which one you like better than others.

Happy hunting.
Hello fassaclack and welcome to MT!

As for your question I would make full use of all the free trial lessons that the various martial arts schools in your area will offer before commiting to any school. Don't get bogged down by what people say is the best style, or what people say in general about a school. Go and have a look yourself and when you've tried all availiable commit to the instructor who you got the best vibe from. I think choosing a school is very personal and individual and it comes down to the quality of the instruction at the end of the day and what fits for one person may not fit for another. Good luck and happy training!
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm gonna start visiting and trying out the schools in the area this week.

New question though: Are there any mistakes to avoid in introducing an 8 year old kid to martial arts in order not to turn him off ?

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