Happy 4th of July

It is getting close to dark as I write this, and the fireworks will start soon. Strange that we all love the light show they make when it looks and sounds so much like explosions and gun fire. I guess we are celebrating because we are alive and hopefuly remembering those who helped insure our freedom .
We live in a great nation as do our brothers and sisters above us. We value live, liberty and happiness, along with many other things. We worship as we please, and speak openly about what we like and dislike, and we defend the right of those who disagree to do the same.
Yes, I to would like to say Happy birthday America

Its time for me to watch Pop gose the 4th.
I was just thinking I wonder how many schools require the students to know or even read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution
Originally posted by Les

Actually, I did hear somewhere that the United States were founded on an illegal act, but things seem to have turned out OK over there.

Anyway, the details escape me now, so just enjoy the holiday. :)

Sounds like Sour Grapes to me!!!!!:rofl:
This thread is two years old but I guess it could be timeless... heh...



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