Happy 4th of July


Black Belt
Feb 27, 2002
Reaction score
Plymouth, MA
In light of the recent events that have happened here in the United States, I think now more than ever we should be proud to be Americans.

This Fouth of July, to me means a more than any other one has ever meant in the past. I was raised in a military family and coming from Massachusetts...the " Cradle of Democracy" where the fight for independence began, there has always been a special connotation to the Fourth of July.

Take time this year to remember all those that gave their lives to ensure the freedoms we have, and to all of those innocent victims who were tragically lost the terrorist plan on 9/11.

Happy Independence Day! :cheers:
I say Huzzah! to that. Well said.

Not only should we honor those who've died, but also those who've lived, and lived well -- the Founding Fathers, the great leaders and presidents, social reformists and philosophers like Dr. King Jr. and Ben Franklin, poets and novelists like Samuel Clemens, and a thousand others that have made our country not just good, but great.

Salute to our past and our future!
Everyone should also give their children and loved ones a hug and tell them you love them......I do this everyday before I go to work you never know what tommorow might bring so be a hero to your family and let them know you love them this holiday.........

Pray for the fallen they made the ultimate sacrifice so we can live like we do. Happy Independance Day Kenpo people!!
I'm not from America, I'm from England, but I feel as bad about last year's events as most Americans I imagine, I think like most people I was sat watching the TV and waiting to wake up.

I'll probably be in America on the 14th this year, as the trip we're planning will be either the first 3 or middle 2 weeks, I really don't know what to expect on the day though. I imagine it'll be a sad day.

Monday was Canada Day. I'm still so happy I could burst.
:ultracool :wavey: :cheers: :boing1:
man kenpo crosses alot of borders...that is very cool!
I can't beleive noone else here has an opinion on Independence Day, especially after all that this country has been through recently....
Originally posted by kenpo3631

I can't beleive noone else here has an opinion on Independence Day, especially after all that this country has been through recently....

What opinion are we supposed to have? There's not enough controversy to start a raucous thread. All we can say is "Golly, I like the 4th!"

Come on, you Canadians! Start some crap! :D



P.S. Also, my patriotism is not dependent on tragedy, so I feel the same patriotism this year as I did last year. This is a good country whether we are attacked or not.
Originally posted by Scott Bonner

Also, my patriotism is not dependent on tragedy, so I feel the same patriotism this year as I did last year. This is a good country whether we are attacked or not.

to all that celebrate it. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.
I am Patriotic 24/7 365. I may not like the things my country does or it's current leaders. I am free to say this without fear of retribution. I am free to defend myself and to seek out the life of my choosing. I am free to gain any knowledge I want. I am also free to say things that are unpopular such as, I feel that another holiday has been commercialized to the point of the absurd. Too many poeple now use holidays such as the Fourth as an excuse to go to the extreme i.e, Keep an eye on many DUI fatalities there are tomorrow. I think every American should keep the spirit of what the Fourth symbolizes in their hearts every day.
Just my opinion. Have a safe one.
A traditional time to celebrate family, friends, and appreciate the freedoms we do have ... no matter what the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals tries.

Happy 4th to all. Appreciate what we have, and lets keep it that way. :)
Originally posted by Scott Bonner
Come on, you Canadians! Start some crap! :D

You can't spell "Colour" properly and your beer is weak.

I still like you guys though. Just don't tell anyone. It'll ruin my tough guy rep.
I helped fight a war for my ideals, right or wrong, about 32 years ago. I've watched our nation in the intervening 32 years. I have watched it make moves that, in my opinion, were grand-glorious, while others were neither, quite so grand, nor glorious.

I've watched my country continue to grow and change. It is often a painful time for us, but that is the cost of change and growth. And in the end, we stand better for it. After all, if it was easy, I suspect any country could do it.

We have a levels of religious, racial, political and sexual intolerance here, we are human ... But we do not institute pogroms because of it. We for the most part are a tolerant, optimistic people.

We as a people will argue to near death about just about anything and call you an idiot because of it, however we will, at the drop of a hat, turn around and give you our shirt if you need it.

We have our faults ... No one is perfect ... Still ... I am proud, truly proud, to be an American. I would go back and fight, yet again, if needed. I believe in the goals we have set. I believe that we, ineptly though it may be at times, are traveling a path of light and I do truly believe that in the end, the world will be a better place for our having been here and traveled that path.

I get a tear in my eye when they sing or play the Star Spangled Banner. I cry like a baby when I see the VietNam War Memorial.
I think of the hundreds of thousands, over the years, no centuries, who have voluntarily, without second thoughts, laid down their lives so that the world could be a better place. So that people in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Russias, virtually anyplace in the world can be free to attempt a better life, to pursue their goals in a place where they can be free.

We are not just a nation ... We are an ideal that is constantly in the making.

God Bless to all, regardless of your religious belief, simply because that is my belief!

Happy fourth of July to all, no matter who or where you are!

Take care and be well all!

Dan Farmer
Well in the past 4 days, San Antonio has been hit by more than
12 inches of rain. Any and all firework shows have been
cancelled. Many a celebration have been canned, and a whole
lot of roads are closed. More rain's expected too!!! :mad: So
it's not gonna be a banner 4th around here! What's really funny
is last week, we were at mandatory water rationing, because it'd
been so long without rain. Ah, good ol' south Texas.
Originally posted by kenpo3631

I can't beleive noone else here has an opinion on Independence Day,

Actually, I did hear somewhere that the United States were founded on an illegal act, but things seem to have turned out OK over there.

Anyway, the details escape me now, so just enjoy the holiday. :)
