Han Mu Do anyone

i understand that, i'm saying the one my instructor has is the 5 million page, half-a-foot thick encyclopedia style version for han mu do, as far as i know this is the real deal, broken down move by move for each belt rank
If your instructor is teaching everything out of Dr. Kimm's book, he is surely an exception. Is your teacher a Hanmudo black belt also?
i don't believe so but he is certified by dr kimm, we don't really go by ranks, it's more relaxed than a strict rank by rank curriculum but it is still the full curiculum
i'm currently in the process of asking if i can get certified and teach it with rank system and all
i don't believe so but he is certified by dr kimm, we don't really go by ranks, it's more relaxed than a strict rank by rank curriculum but it is still the full curiculum

OK. I'm not here to tell you you're wrong when only you know what your training is.

Hanmudo contains kicks, strikes, throws, locks, pins, chokes, and even some weaponry. It's a rich, rich system that deserves its own study.
i understand that, i'm saying the one my instructor has is the 5 million page, half-a-foot thick encyclopedia style version for han mu do, as far as i know this is the real deal, broken down move by move for each belt rank

Wow...5 million pages...let me know when you finish reading that.
i completely agree with you and i don't want to make it sound like i disagree but we give about 30 minutes a week designated to han mu do at my school i just want to see if i can take over teaching it and get the belt rank established because we dont go much higher than blue but i want to learn some of the black belt curriculum although i dont think the instructor will take us that high but if i can establish a rank system eventually we'll get up there
i completely agree with you and i don't want to make it sound like i disagree but we give about 30 minutes a week designated to han mu do at my school i just want to see if i can take over teaching it and get the belt rank established because we dont go much higher than blue but i want to learn some of the black belt curriculum although i dont think the instructor will take us that high but if i can establish a rank system eventually we'll get up there
If you plan on teaching Hanmudo, you will need a lot more than just 30 minutes a week dedication. It is a very in depth system.
hey im orange now :) lol anyway, i think i could run it much like my ju jitsu instructor does, he does white belt curriculum as warm up for yellows, yellow for warm up for oranges, and so on, once established i can get them doing white for warm up then so on and so forth, and yes im a 3 martial arts person