Halloween costumes?

spud - that's a great photo! I don't have the Groucho Marx glasses, sadly, but hopefully I'll get cigars. A nametag would be good, too.I *love* the f.s. you posted, MJ - the "pass the salt" one. lol!

Keep them coming - it's a knee-length slip, so there's plenty of room for material.
When I was still at OU, Halloween was the biggest event of the year. So I would dress every year. Past costumes include:
-The Monopoly Guy (with get out of jail free card, just in case)
-The Chef from South Park (with chocolate salty balls)
-Bill Clinton (with cigar and Monica maniquin strategically placed)
-Alex from Clockwork Orange (allowed me to carry a cane, just in case)
-Mad Hatter
and this year I am going as the Crow.

I'll see if I can dig up any pics.

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