Half Punch name?


White Belt
Can anyone help me with the name of a punch I have been shown? It is a low waist half punch, the forearm remains vertical but the fist is upright. The fist is driven in by a stong rear leg and a hip twist. Can anyone help with the name? In Te-waza, the fist remains horizontal.


What style karate? Different styles use different names for the same thing.

Is the palm facing up at the end of the punch? If it's like a punch that's palm up and aimed at the abdomen just below the ribs, it's shita-tsuki. At least how I'm picturing it. A common punch in Kyokushin and offshoots.

About 1:00 into this video. Ignore the stance and lack of body rotation; this is just a way to teach beginners the basics of it and it is used in this manner as more of a warmup than anything else, but the punch (arm and fist movement) are what I think you're describing...

Thanks for the video. The punch has the palm facing across - so the fist is upright rather than palm up? The target is the same though - bottom two ribs. The style is Shotokan.
The punch done about 22 seconds into this video?

If so, I'm not sure. We don't do that kata, but we do that punch in a 45 degree horse stance; we just call it chudan gyaku tsuki (if we're in 45 degree kiha daschi, we know what punch our teacher means).

Crazy question... have you asked your teacher?
Hi - thanks for the reply.

Its not the punch in Tekki Shodan either - although I'm learning more punches for my practice sessions!

The punch is the same as seiken shita tsuki but the fits is upright - I think like they hold their fist in Wing Chun.

My teacher called it something like tata tsuki. My style is a hybrid of Wado and Shotakan as there is not a lot of choice where I live.


So basically a short, vertical fist punch aimed just below the ribs, like a vertical fisted shita tsuki? We call it tata ken. The only Japanese I speak is dojo Japanese, but I'm assuming tata ken means vertical fist (punch implied). If I'm right, tata tsuki would mean vertical punch.

I don't see how different styles wouldn't call it tata tsuki while we call it tata ken. If my dojo Japanese is correct, both would be accurate names.
Hi JR,

Yes, that's the punch - tata Ken.

It's shown briefly in the video below at exactly 1:43 1:44 as a part of a kata ( I'm not sure of the kata's name but the documentary is on Okinawan Karate)



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