haiti relief


White Belt
Feb 2, 2008
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hey, before you all make another post,

Text "haiti" to 90999 and give to the red cross relief effort. You'll be billed 10 dollars to your phone. Cash, more than anything, is needed to help the victims. Do what you can.

here is a list from msnbc, if its within your means do them all. your help is greatly needed. beware of scams.
Haiti earthquake: How to help - Haiti earthquake- msnbc.com
I'm impressed at the speed at which Govrnments around the world are acting on this.
The US has Coast Guard assets in place, a carrier, hospital ship and 2000 Marines are due today or tomorrow.
Canada's DART assessment team is on the ground with a C-17 with supplies and personnel, the rest of the DART team will be there shortly. 2 Canadian Navy ships with supplies and 200 troops will be on site early next week. Japan is sending a team. Israel had a S&R team ready to go whithio minute sof the quake hitting and the IDF is preparing a larger team. Firefighters and paramedics fromall over North America are going.

It restores one's faith in humanity to see this.