Haidong Gumdo Curriculum


MTS Alumni
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
West Melbourne, FL
I'm curious what the curriculum for other WHGF schools is. Basic curriculum, that is.

Our main areas are:

Kibon Baegi - Basic cutting
Kibon Dong Cha - Basic Movements
Chuk Pal Gum - Draw and put away techniques
Hyung - Forms
Gyuk Gum - Fighting drills (line, partner, etc)
Ill Soo Sik - One step Techniques
Cutting - Bamboo, paper, fruit
Candles - extinguishing

So does everyone do the same basic stuff?
That looks about right. We do add out right sparring, though it's pretty rare. Also, we cut Playdoh rather than fruit in class - It shows the cut well, and is a touch more reusable.
Great! I've heard that the curriculum changes in some schools and areas. They don't do some of this or add some different stuff.

I'll be moving pretty soon and needing to find a new school, so I'm curious if I'll be doing that same stuff.

My instructor was actually talking about cutting playdo. I know that she uses it occassionally. She also uses Pool Noodles instead of straw.