Guy who wants to be John Wick

370 movies in 1.5 years? You have a lot of free time! :)
By the way, you talk about the boredom of the plot - that's one of the reasons why I stopped watching new movies. I'm just not interested. I prefer to rewatch the old ones :) And it doesn't bore me.
Lol you guys are just bad at picking movies lol
"You killed my dog, so I will kill your entire crime gang." Yup. Pretty simple story. And one all dog lovers can relate to.
My wife doesn't like violent movies. But if a character in a movie harms a dog, she wants that character to die a horrible death!
I always read "You can't fix stupid" in Ron White's voice
I've enjoyed standup for as long as I can remember. And I was always a fan of Ron White. I don't think I'll ever read/hear the "fix stupid" line in anyone else's voice ever again. :)
370 movies in 1.5 years? You have a lot of free time! :)
By the way, you talk about the boredom of the plot - that's one of the reasons why I stopped watching new movies. I'm just not interested. I prefer to rewatch the old ones :) And it doesn't bore me.
I retired, it's not that much time, one movie is less than 2hrs. I watch them FREE, at home, on my comfy chair, feet up!!!

Other than working out, argue on political forum, still have a lot of time watching tv!!!

I watch tv shows, NCIS, NCIS LA, CSI, a lot of CBS shows.
I think the idiom ‘Boards don’t hit back’ is appropriate here.

He’s having fun though, bless him.
I retired, it's not that much time, one movie is less than 2hrs. I watch them FREE, at home, on my comfy chair, feet up!!!

Other than working out, argue on political forum, still have a lot of time watching tv!!!

I watch tv shows, NCIS, NCIS LA, CSI, a lot of CBS shows.
Of course, it's your right to live your life the way you want. And to your pleasure! I'm glad it brings you pleasure. By the way, I love free movies too, I hate movie theaters. There are times when I pay for a movie ticket and it turns out to be a bad movie. It's a pity for the money spent.
I hate movie theaters. There are times when I pay for a movie ticket and it turns out to be a bad movie. It's a pity for the money spent.
I agree with this but my issue is with other people in the theatre talking, laughing loudly, commenting on the film in a normal speaking voice and eating smelly food during the film. If I ever do go to the cinema (it’s rare these days), I go early…11am sometimes… when I’m likely to be the only person in the auditorium. As Satre said, ‘Hell is other people’….
We have this traditional cinema that generally gets about 8 people on a Sunday lunchtime. And charges 12 bucks I think.