Gustav and the end of the Big Easy?

The good news is that Gustav came ashore as a Cat 2. Hopefully, this will lesson some of the damages. Hopefully, New Orleans' levees are up to the challenge...
A couple of points that came to my mind as I read this thread follow.
First, I do not know of anywhere in the United States that is perfectly safe from natural disasters of some kind, (and I am glad it is so) people just choose which kind of disaster that they wish to live with, and they weigh the probabilities of the disaster against the pluses of living in a particular area. Tornadoes, volcanoes, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, avalanches /slides and sink holes as well as gales and hurricanes can all come into our lives at almost anytime.

There is something found inside mankind that makes us hunger to face challenges, to explore and settle areas and it has always been so otherwise we would still be in some cave somewhere afraid to expand and learn instead of exploring the stars and ocean floor as we are doing. Mankind lives and thrives in the deserts, high amongst the mountains, surrounded by freezing snow, and there have even been long stays on the ocean floor and amongst the stars. New Orleans will survive and rebuild and will do so time and time again, it is in the nature of man.

My prayers go out to the people that their suffering and economic losses be not too great or extensive and that they grow stronger in community and family from the shared hardship and experiences.

Brian King
Why do the taxpayers of the entire nation have to finance the people that think building below sea level and surrounded by water is a good idea?


lets look at how much money was spent on katrina
lets look at the city's whose crime rates TRIPLED after katrina evac's hit town.

either do it right, or forget it
Okay, I'm sorry.

So let me understand this.

Katrina happened, and we had a real big mess, and everyone was Real Sad and rightly so, because even though they obviously must have known going in that the whole damned scity was built below sea level, well, this kind of thing just never really happened before, right?

Now they wanna move BACK while another storm is gonna wreck it all over again and once again those of us who are nothing to do with it must pay for their own, self chosen stupidity.

I'm sorry.

How ****in' many times does any sane, rational person have to be TOLD not to stand under a tree when it is falling.

It may be hard hearted but after all they SHOULD have learned, they get no sympathy from me.

If that's being heartless then at least I can take comfort in the fact I'll never die of a heart attack. *shrug*
Okay, I'm sorry.

So let me understand this.

Katrina happened, and we had a real big mess, and everyone was Real Sad and rightly so, because even though they obviously must have known going in that the whole damned scity was built below sea level, well, this kind of thing just never really happened before, right?

Now they wanna move BACK while another storm is gonna wreck it all over again and once again those of us who are nothing to do with it must pay for their own, self chosen stupidity.

I'm sorry.

How ****in' many times does any sane, rational person have to be TOLD not to stand under a tree when it is falling.

It may be hard hearted but after all they SHOULD have learned, they get no sympathy from me.

If that's being heartless then at least I can take comfort in the fact I'll never die of a heart attack. *shrug*

Given the fact that they re-elected that waste of oxygen mayor of theirs, I'd say the people of New Orleans are not known for learning from experience.
Here is one thing i KNOW about mayor Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin.

A company in tyler texas offered the city $5,000,000 to come in and clean up all the junked abondoned cars. They were gonna come in with thier own crusher and tow trucks.

They had it planned to take 6 weeks, and with 5 MILLION in profit to the city.

The Mayor said no.

He gave the contract to a local company, 8 months later, it still wasnt finished and the city had paid out over 10 million to the local company.

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